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Dear Freesurfer Experts, 

 I am currently engaged in a project where I need to measure the cortical 
thickness of a segmented cortical lesion (ROI) in the volume space. 
After running recon-all for my subjects, i employed 'mri_vol2surf' function to 
project my ROI from the native T1 space to indiviaul surface space. My command 
was as follows:

mri_vol2surf —mov  $chronic_CMI_volume_path/"$sub_base"_chronic-CMI_4-1.nii.gz 
--hemi rh --surf white --projfrac-avg -0.1 1 0.05 --interp nearest --o 
"$sub"_chronic-CMI_4-1_rh.mgh --regheader "$sub" --trgsubject “$sub”

However, I encountered an issue where I could not locate the ROI in the 
individual surface space, as the values in "$sub"_chronic-CMI_4-1_rh.mgh were 
all zero.

I suspect this might be due to a registration error or possibly the small size 
of my ROI (only 4 voxels). Do you have any suggestions on how to address this 

Additionally, I am wondering whether it's possible to register the cortical 
thickness map from the surface space back to the individual volume space, then 
calculate the mean cortical thickness of my ROI there. Alternatively, is it 
feasible to convert the coordinates of my ROI's center point to the MNI152 
coordinate and then surface-based coordinates and directly create an ROI in the 
surface space?

Any feedback on these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hao Li

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