External Email - Use Caution Thank you for your prompt response!
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 5:07 PM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote: > You have to create your own registration. Eg, try bbregister > > On 11/28/2023 6:42 PM, Mirsol Choi wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Hi there, > > I am currently trying to run vol2subfield command that allows us to get a > registration between an input volume (ie. FA map) to a subfield volume > (hippocampus segmentation). > > Upon tying vol2subfield --help, this was the message provided: > > "vol2subfield (run with --help to get more info) > > Required inputs > --i input volume > --sf subfield volume : full path or relative to subject/mri > --reg reg.lta : registration that maps input volume to conformed > > Outputs > --o output volume > --outreg outreg.lta : registration between invol and subfield > --stats stats.dat : run mri_segstats with --sum stats.dat output > --avgwf avgwf.dat : run mri_segstats with --avgwf avgwf.dat output > --avgwfvol avgwfvol : run mri_segstats with --avgwfvol avgwfvol output > > Other options > --ctab ctab : color table to use with mri_segstats. Default is > /home/masterslab/freesurfer/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt > --nearest : use nearest neighbor interpolation (default) > --trilin : use triliear interpolation > --cubic : use cubic interpolation > --tmp tmpdir : for debugging > > These are meant to make it easy to interface with the various subfield > segs produced by FS > --lh.hippoamyg : set subfield to lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.mgz > --rh.hippoamyg : set subfield to rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.mgz > --lh.hbt : set subfield to lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz > --rh.hbt : set subfield to rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz > --thalamus : set subfield to ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz > --brainstem : set subfield to brainstemSsLabels.v12.mgz > > vol2subfield 7.4.1 > > vol2subfield provides routines that make it easier to integrate > arbitrary volumes with volumes that share a RAS space ("header > registration") with the orig volume in the FreeSurfer mri folder. > This script was written to manage "subfield" segmentations (eg, > hippocampal, amygdalar, thalamic, and brainstem), but it can be used > much more generally. > > The input registration is the LTA registration between the input > volume and the orig.mgz (eg, computed with bbregister or > mri_coreg). IF THIS REGISTRATION IS INACCURATE THEN THE OUTPUT OF THIS > SCRIPT WILL BE WRONG!! To check the input registration run > tkregisterfv --mov invol --reg reg.lta --surfs > > This script can have three types of outputs: > > 1. To get a registration between an input volume and a subfield volume > > vol2subfield --i fa.nii.gz --reg reg.lta --sf > rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz --outreg outreg.lta > > outreg.lta will map fa.nii.gz to > rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz. Note that the "subfield" volume can > be anything that shares a RAS space with the orig.mgz (eg, > orig/001.mgz). It does not need to be a segmentation volume. > > 2. To map the input volume into the subfield volume space > > vol2subfield --i fa.nii.gz --reg reg.lta --sf > rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz --o fa.rh.hbt.mgz > > fa.rh.hbt.mgz will be the fa.nii.gz sampled into the space of > rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz (ie, it will be in voxel-for-voxel > registration). Again, the "subfield" volume can be anything that > shares a RAS space with the orig.mgz (eg, orig/001.mgz). It does not > need to be a segmentation volume. This volume is appropriate for running > mri_segstats. Note that there is not an output registration, but, if you > want to save it, just use --outreg as above. > > 3. To compute segmentation statistics of the input volume > > vol2subfield --i fa.nii.gz --reg reg.lta --sf > rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz \ > --o fa.rh.hbt.mgz --stats stats.dat --avgwf avgwf.dat --avgwfvol > avgwfvol.mgz > > This will create three files (but you do not need to specify all of > them) using mri_segstats (and excluding the 0 segmentation). See > mri_segstats --help for what each of these outputs mean. Note that > there is not an output registration, but, if you want to save it, just > use --outreg as above. > > > For information about the subfields created by FS, see > > *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from > "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* > https://secure-web.cisco.com/1Bcw_SYnH0V5_rsKV3Q9Pgyyj6vH2LSJ7eFqgpEQHoLHncVU-vwWLrjcV2BEp7H3xFf3EU-fKagwk-93cZDdhg6qbdBNDNzk35vyx4nP3stEX74Ht2jMR5_70GlIZ7J_qL0mwdvI3UMlRRl2HfrYqyj_cbqf3chLTKSQUV0s1CRK4Q-ldzapUpd-_pCVRsykCK7fp6RmXEO7HotA456I0iYQWknz7B7X1-ShFAqGDF5SV7igvqqfO8-3eKyfumO2Rjm5-plmwTfoZqgikpaq0jC1xx0QMZU7rou7hbx0FsAmViQgriFSejlYZc8anWMJa1P4ywFUfhG4mCUNmPG1A9w/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FHippocampalSubfieldsAndNucleiOfAmygdala > <https://secure-web.cisco.com/17XF0ZnFdoeIqVKRGWwoBOtca4h4jeD6xXfzmAx0GK1TEHc6ku1GhIkdFBzbn36o1rcif4KRHO87IKXpdHGLZw1k-nZDyHz7Vu8uGwXT44KJEFVNXejSueSj1edsZc0D_huZabn0k0PREK7HsGlbw_JJp6YTehNNfStifBUn3N_zQAdgimUKnTIoZfx2y4VFLImcdmDMbUEFvkRKbMxPjcFDvSodvokrUNK-MvWRCpAyGS791OuFmDb1bKLcPrGDl5l1YMPd9-C_jIGJCHthGXRzd_AbIKNJbTeSISn5f_gtDVP5TOmez29S2bKF_QC1sWpcpYbHYx96jWplaNKSkjw/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FHippocampalSubfieldsAndNucleiOfAmygdala> > *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from > "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* > http://secure-web.cisco.com/1lcgEhLNwnh-majE0qTzqQL3F99RUI72XAsaqtvNfjVIAafS85dBnlyzw6RP767t5Z8wFk4EA7JfQN_t7fVVKZM5BgRNzr_dCuYcO56Sqy54CWo2e372Cd8Bi5-WrM6YSRQAJsJQHaYNE11bxgYlD761745dvhmSSO7wUXI89uBkbrQcJgFioAl94nBxBqeZFHVDWfaK19qEb7objawyub4-MtVhYvb8SjJmG38omT0LhANdLSF_cp-kvhqCFh_bqN916eU5hRAoLj_q7YVdBTmcBLsWbWfftBaafTAbftzt9dXRoROq6DN2EhhqFBbapGCyj8mwOlObaRgm1gNByjA/http%3A%2F%2Ffreesurfer.net%2Ffswiki%2FThalamicNuclei > <http://secure-web.cisco.com/1r9hdzClzfpb9wkcYJZzj-5x_1dXL8bvIXvPjcusisxNujtH5dYbdeMeOZI3hVO5OH-AJhxNvDP3jOSU2eMfIJ14UqSsl3htId6fnUaNMEe2yGFUve4qPdpc6cQuVpiRO5_VGD2WYb0-jKtf1iKI752MKosvbNWWL1SE0IZPABCzhKd-k-id0WN6O07i7BSy0JHF8Vx_-c7Te0SKbxEP9BS-KDDZ-7NcGDUVujRtWQwz0_-SoVaVmOAd1Y_rakZ2OvVahfuVFrZHYJxFBIPHnMaKRcfuNMwX_lZ7KxS5J1lGSkOcV92izLtUFFxpFgQCc2sEU3B_JvOCrMPFDXXLCNA/http%3A%2F%2Ffreesurfer.net%2Ffswiki%2FThalamicNuclei> > *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from > "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* > https://secure-web.cisco.com/1LVFJec76wYmbRfW-skb6mVrkh7pbduqG9EVI9rUf81z6nZkn41fXDqtZBJSsDaWXDQpW0LpQKUGrIvXIrpeqSUPVfbgBvyxXN_0ZNOtQTNLZZWhtcZH66y1kiiY2MWywD9dPBrG1f62G5KvUXh6AFKHA1CfctkEH_A6p_J7rSBl5ArIwMbn9t84I-I3-lx_bmNnkMr2mlIHrpVI1kPRjCwxXsirl46B5Q1DvERg8nQ-IXRIpru2W1OYWltO7h7Pf1WAGlkmgbampJhmAOmk7UhZg5JsUzkM023kuPvFTJ75bAGeMdEZ11G6ID2CkpuFcfcGJBHsx7mEHYF_AbnYezw/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FBrainstemSubstructures > <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1zX2UZrV6ZpJQDeBcxFrsoi9bFd1JnN4YH4d0ttvaTwhHgn1HjqbunM0jDue4eUdn1YlXPQ361LMxCIeJFLbz0gcdJRYogkD_F3-br9S9jYnVdyU0zhc8tH0X4lshFbn84uCJmaueA-65PEIoEm-e1nTelyt7syg_uBH5_b_Rz_HUMLCmWL2_ztfk7YzttRGgwl4mC3P9s3VzNljVYi3tod5seYv4zQnko7SVgbfPMvSoVA1LjtqTLtsRzTUYZXxLpGzkiTmmf9-jD2NIFaHrGFTQJ7nDLBvCDsf83tLJiBOtPo0Lte-YHML38LRER7Ki8E1FaMa0mF2k-lKl5NObuA/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FBrainstemSubstructures> > " > > > In all 3 examples of codes provided here, they all require an input of > "reg.lta." However upon searching all of my freesurfer folder or recon > outputs, we do not see any file names "reg.lta." > Is there a process I must take to create this file? If someone could > answer this question for me, I will be eternally grateful. > > Best, > M > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing > listfreesur...@nmr.mgh.harvard.eduhttps://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu > https://secure-web.cisco.com/1U1WN-XYEomeLTnBWbpRtsRCRkyebG1E_n-455jmWNQmMiYQfp0tVQyVA-Z35Zg9eafohPNaGns3fftzLv6jiHqE90KiEgcJ4YbHXXgdfdNrKjpgT1yc1qJGgc72hRO-eSauqIRq9PKC3ke9a40qZ-_na1QLH8LhGeOYsrLeIo9G8FvLPZDzs-05MAYLHA2kHgfYiWWwVcG9WkT0cydEyczmqzS7Rq7PvIjxtVSt_W_XyigbWJa82r6Z1xC9N-VPOc_JGQ4CNNZbARrpLEGsuhDgusHNTT3WNOpusdaXGAdPFfaCJ_JLYXTeTlUBM8HwzcKqvbhAZRYuvjqlq6cnHkA/https%3A%2F%2Fmail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Ffreesurfer > The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it > is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the > e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General > Brigham Compliance HelpLine at > https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ieOB925PY8EN7q_ZTnsll6fr248EVYrcHmxfdBMwzsTJzJ48Rr576qcQSHL-ZclkN9DpfgysJGejZ3-DIaNmNew-1r2vZpIGLL3d8yMm1I57G_GwmrANjMNKGW4chCEF9JC-A7VnTgiwK9nbTZMa7vS1NbRVRYRfAPtAfdneXIl_XL24ePQjikEUhM4IVMX_sBe1z_fj58YLaeChE1RAWuPkI2uv9nxfMER1ByenYZ5RM67I1-w2_lmACNJoGlM4peaa95RKG2mwfdS0vb8OC7JhBTDXhQqSW7E6SwcTm94wDknVXwUUgF7zLv3hSu5-P1HFfhmTwAu0kJuiRBj7cQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.massgeneralbrigham.org%2Fcomplianceline > < > https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ieOB925PY8EN7q_ZTnsll6fr248EVYrcHmxfdBMwzsTJzJ48Rr576qcQSHL-ZclkN9DpfgysJGejZ3-DIaNmNew-1r2vZpIGLL3d8yMm1I57G_GwmrANjMNKGW4chCEF9JC-A7VnTgiwK9nbTZMa7vS1NbRVRYRfAPtAfdneXIl_XL24ePQjikEUhM4IVMX_sBe1z_fj58YLaeChE1RAWuPkI2uv9nxfMER1ByenYZ5RM67I1-w2_lmACNJoGlM4peaa95RKG2mwfdS0vb8OC7JhBTDXhQqSW7E6SwcTm94wDknVXwUUgF7zLv3hSu5-P1HFfhmTwAu0kJuiRBj7cQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.massgeneralbrigham.org%2Fcomplianceline> > . > Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). 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_______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.