External Email - Use Caution
Hello Sophie, Just FYI, there is no matlab distribution included in the 7.4.1 release and we so not support using R2023b. So I presume someone at your site installed R2023b separately via a Mathworks matlab installer. We do provide a script, fs_install_mcr, to install either the R2014b or R2019b matlab runtime environment into the freesurfer tree for use. I don't know if running R2019b would affect what you report below, but you could try it via the commands below.. - R. $ export FREESURFER_HOME=/usr/local/freesurfer/7.4.1 <--- linux install path $ source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh <... output showing SUBJECTS_DIR and other environment variables> $ cd $FREESURFER_HOME/bin $ sudo FREESURFER_HOME=$FREESURFER_HOME ./fs_install_mcr R2019b I believe this sets things up so the libmwm* libraries are installed under $FREESURFER_HOME/MCRv97/bin/glnxa64. You can try adding that path (or any path the script output recommends) to the start of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You should remove any other entries to a different MATLAB distribution. On 11/23/23 20:42, Sophie Matis (sophie.ma...@sydney.edu.au) wrote: External Email - Use Caution Hello FreeSurfer experts! I have carried out some analysis of changes in cortical thickness over time using the LME Matlab (R23b) Toolbox distributed within Freesurfer (7.4.1) in line with the instructions on this page: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be https://secure-web.cisco.com/16TbMFKCSxY9QLMDkUoKiHpONPO8cJ5IumheTtc9oNl4e80txUMsYAc8b6sh-dB8ND2T4yKyevZcj6SoIdgd8nquWquSUgjhFRIy8HQb-wYTzCFA28w5OfBt23DxyHPwDJY7R47cWnpFBmVBjkXV7BioXniFwM9DD9P2q6dgLixlc2X1Bwx_pnJ1r2mSpL3B-A8qBrjDdcL0TzDCYzadMLqUs5uWdR2YlAZ5lA42tny6EQ_Y7PKMkw5-fjrpwzVl7CVw0oiX_WDt-wQSwceqWA3aUHgMrgjrf0P3xUxpt5_oIFpJyly4R7r3gnitkJPGNMCHgGwPhTB0UVdO1w0kNgw/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2FLinearMixedEffectsModels At this stage I just want to look at changes over time within each of three groups. For two groups I have been able to proceed through the steps fine and have my significance files which look normal. For the last group I am running into an error on the “[lhTh0,lhRe] = lme_mass_fit_EMinit(X,[1 2],Y,ni,lhcortex,3); “ step. MATLAB returns “Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled” and lhTh0 and lhRe are created as matrices with only NaN values. Has anyone run into this error before or have any tips for troubleshooting it? I haven’t had any errors on the longitudinal processing steps and visual QC on my files looks normal. No errors on mris_preproc or mri_surf2surf. An aparcstats2table for thickness doesn’t reveal any NaNs. My design matrix is created with X = [ones(length(M),1) M] after following the suggested sortData code from the wiki Contrast is [0 1] This is my qdec file: fsid fsid-base yearsfromBL 108_MR1 108 0.00 199_MR1 199 0.00 199_MR2 199 1.10 199_MR3 199 2.25 202_MR1 202 0.00 204_MR1 204 0.00 204_MR2 204 1.16 204_MR3 204 2.30 223_MR1 223 0.00 0821_MR1 0821 0.00 0931_MR1 0931 0.00 1010_MR1 1010 0.00 1010_MR2 1010 1.84 1031_MR1 1031 0.00 1031_MR2 1031 1.00 1031_MR3 1031 2.13 1064_MR1 1064 0.00 1064_MR2 1064 2.01 1125_MR1 1125 0.00 1134_MR1 1134 0.00 1134_MR2 1134 1.17 1134_MR3 1134 2.28 1233_MR1 1233 0.00 1233_MR2 1233 1.05 1373_MR1 1373 0.00 1439_MR1 1439 0.00 1439_MR2 1439 1.14 1439_MR3 1439 2.28 1475_MR1 1475 0.00 1475_MR2 1475 1.04 1475_MR3 1475 2.03 1522_MR1 1522 0.00 1522_MR2 1522 2.07 1541_MR1 1541 0.00 1541_MR2 1541 1.47 1551_MR1 1551 0.00 1551_MR2 1551 0.98 1551_MR3 1551 2.05 1572_MR1 1572 0.00 1572_MR2 1572 1.03 1625_MR1 1625 0.00 1625_MR2 1625 1.06 1637_MR1 1637 0.00 1641_MR1 1641 0.00 1656_MR1 1656 0.00 1656_MR2 1656 0.94 1656_MR3 1656 2.26 1755_MR1 1755 0.00 1755_MR2 1755 1.04 1755_MR3 1755 2.01 1829_MR1 1829 0.00 09154_MR1 09154 0.00 09154_MR2 09154 1.01 09154_MR3 09154 2.01 12110_MR1 12110 0.00 12110_MR2 12110 1.04 Any help appreciated! Thank you, Sophie Matis | Data Management & Research Officer School of Health Sciences & Brain and Mind Centre Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney Brain and Mind Centre, 94-100 Mallett Street, Camperdown (M02G) | The University of Sydney | NSW | 06 sophie.ma...@sydney.edu.au | sydney.edu.au CRICOS 00026A This email plus any attachments to it are confidential. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please delete it and any attachments. Please think of our environment and only print this email if necessary. _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://secure-web.cisco.com/1JpB2M6srxvOJofQQKW2x6xhujK5Mdwvp75j2I-8SrFl7MO2yErKjOnLY6zcrfdryJFTvnqdJBfbpogb-A7GatOzY_pNQPn8IYCrzO7ajFTkCj1GFYSBIeGxk7UgGCJhJ9YLtCgGAddxX6gIkK51Ab-YRxBr7YVCqWz1jjb_Dc6Co7b6bGeKU-WsyNdATHkO0Wi2miwWGnBpLvEq6CbMeVu_jhHjYgXBZfdeSyLgsQokS3xudK1qkqFeMl4g2SYtDqGHEI7evc9wMkw5Braa8cbRgRj_m3JR6VqrCdG3PYcawt14JoJsHlVCr_J4M8Ukp-lqGP5qOHJwrd_NNCLIwTw/https%3A%2F%2Fmail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Ffreesurfer Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.
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