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Hello FreeSurfer experts,

I'm attempting to obtain volume values for the ROIs, each corresponding to a 
specific network based on Yeo's 17 Network atlas.

Here are the steps I've done so far:

1. Transform from fsaverage to subject's surface (LH, RH)
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage5
--trgsubject sdas/sub052
--hemi lh
--tval $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub052/label/lh.Yeo_17Network_native.annot

2.  Transform from subject's surface into my subject's volume
--s sub052
--o $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub052/mri/Yeo17.mgz
--annot Yeo_17Network_native --annot-table 

Upon inspecting the output file (Yeo17.mgz) overlaid with 
17Networks_ColorLUT_freeview.txt before extracting the volume values, I 
observed that the actual ROI doesn't match the label.
ex) The label indicates "DefaultB_IPL" when I point the caudate nucleus

Is there something I might be missing?

And would you let me know how to extract the volumes of the ROIs for each of 
the 17 Networks?
So I would be getting volumes for 114 ROIs in total.

I would greatly appreciate your help.


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