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We are in the midst of longitudinal data collection. Before diving into our 
first longitudinal structural processing, have a few questions:
Does Synthseg include a longitudinal processing stream?
If so, how does it compare to the Freesurfer Longitudinal Processing stream?
In the past, including both a T1 and T2 has been recommended for optimal 
segmentations. I don't see any mention of including a T2 in the longitudinal 
 Would it be worth including T2 scans if they are available?
Thank you for your thoughts and guidance!

Stacey M. Schaefer, Ph.D.
Leader of the MIDUS Neuroscience Project &

Co-Leader of the MIDUS Admin Core

Institute on Aging

2245C Medical Sciences Center

University of Wisconsin-Madison

1300 University Ave

Madison, WI 53706 USA


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