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Hello Freesurfers,

I am trying to segment the hippocampus into its subfields and take the FA
values from each subfield area.

I am able to segment the hippocampus using the command
(segmentHA_T1.sh) and I was also able to perform the dt-recon function on
dwi data.

I am trying to map the fa.nii file from dt-recon into the hippocampus
subfield volume rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v22.HBT.mgz, however when I run the
code that is provided by vol2subfield -help:

vol2subfield --i fa.nii.gz --reg reg.lta --sf
rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz --outreg outreg.lta


vol2subfield --i fa.nii.gz --reg reg.lta --sf
rh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.HBT.mgz --o fa.rh.hbt.mgz

I am met with a message stating "set: Variable name must contain
alphanumeric characters."

How can I fix this "variable name must contain alphanumeric characters"
issue and run this command?

Thank you all for your time, help and expertise.

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