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Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.

I am trying to import the Neuromorphometrics atlas into Freesurfer as a part of 
my segmentation analysis. I have run recon-all on my template subject (IXI550) 
and the subject to register (PSCI15_003), and taken the atlas.nii and used 
mri_vol2surf and mris_seg2annot, all without errors. Now I am trying to 
register IXI550 and PSCI15_003 to each other so that I am then able to run 
mris_apply_reg. I am receiving the error "hips not supported," both on Ubuntu 
22.04.2 LTS and my M1 mac. Is there a way to resolve this error (found below), 
or a different way for me to apply the atlas to the recon-all of my subjects?

I am using freesurfer-linux-ubuntu18_x86_64-7.3.2-20220804-6354275.

 mris_register PSCI15_003/surf/lh.sphere IXI550/surf/lh.sphere 

cwd /mnt/d/Jasmine2023/Neuromorph
cmdline mris_register PSCI15_003/surf/lh.sphere IXI550/surf/lh.sphere 

0 inflated.H
1 sulc
2 smoothwm (computed)
reading surface from PSCI15_003/surf/lh.sphere...
reading template parameterization from IXI550/surf/lh.sphere...
error: hips is not supported
error: hips is not supported
MRISregister() -------
max_passes = 4
min_degrees = 0.500000
max_degrees = 64.000000
nangles = 8
tol=5.0e-01, sigma=0.0, host=unkno, nav=1024, nbrs=1, l_extern=10000.000, 
l_parea=0.200, l_nlarea=1.000, l_corr=1.000, l_dist=5.000
using quadratic fit line minimization
complete_dist_mat 0
rms 0
smooth_averages 0
remove_neg 0
ico_order 0
which_surface 0
target_radius 0.000000
nfields 0
scale 0.000000
desired_rms_height -1.000000
momentum 0.950000
nbhd_size -10
max_nbrs 10
niterations 25
nsurfaces 0
flags 16 (10)
use curv 16
no sulc 0
no rigid align 0
mris->nsize 1
mris->hemisphere 0
randomSeed 0

tol=5.0e-01, sigma=0.0, host=unkno, nav=1024, nbrs=1, l_extern=10000.000, 
l_parea=0.200, l_nlarea=1.000, l_corr=1.000, l_dist=5.000
using quadratic fit line minimization
1 Reading lh.sulc
curvature mean = 0.000, std = 3.574
Segmentation fault

Thank you so much in advance for any help.
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