External Email - Use Caution        

Please try using the Matlab runtime environment which can be installed directly 
into the freesurfer tree via a script we provide.  The runtime environment 
is free and requires no paid for Matlab license (since it does not include the 
Matlab compiler).
For your existing install of freesurfer 7..1.1, the tested version of the 
Matlab runtime environment to install is R2014b (listed below as the version to 
use in the bash/zsh commands).  However, if you were to update to the 
current freesurfer 7.4.1 
release, https://secure-web.cisco.com/1EbuUGpusH65Vnhqyq32iw8lhOzpyphGTkomb1eGIHw58FD4ikSbt9f7VFH4X8deyqrzjKVzFMgqki-n63sKgin2kguxnvVJ0g1kgDFvZDwcE9MYyz4PxA482Uoppvj_xzoJ7FZfWzjxTRMYqj7SGcDj6ClpBf7YSyiSYJPwYvPDbNKVzBl_68uYwiEBaf4tA7hhc2wAcVv-dTmneINRGW4ayp1zoonJKmUYUsD5NNzRTiy0JBh5uS3MTuHXb8gq_Vb9DwI2znfq2inPePbqtqJtHEU4X372cxYJRMx9L8Q6tGQsl51lXryVbRgi7Mq5L7zTZ2UN8gInW9BnhIgczuQ/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fpub%2Fdist%2Ffreesurfer%2F7.4.1%2Ffreesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1.pkg,
 then you could use the more recent R2019b Matlab runtime.
$ export FREESURFER_HOME=<your install path>


$ sudo FREESURFER_HOME=$FREESURFER_HOME  ./fs_install_mcr  R2014b 
   <— change to R2019b if you end up using freesurfer 7.4.1

… answer y to any installer questions …

The output from running that script will list what DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
should be set to.  

Please make sure you have otherwise removed any references to your previous 
matlab environment from DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, etc.  It might also work 
to add $FREESURFER_HOME/MCRv97/bin/glnxa64 to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH but I would 
first try what the script prints out as the local paths on your machine.
- R.

On Oct 9, 2023, at 20:21, Mirsol Choi <mir...@ualberta.ca> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hi there,I am a Master's 
student who is looking to segment the hippocampus and analyze diffusion data of 
the segments. I am trying to utilize the segmentation function with 
this command:segmentHA_T1.sh subj01But I am met with this error saying that 
Matlab has crashed. The crash log is attached to this email. I have 
freesurfer version 7.1.1, running on MacOs 11.7.10.I have followed your website 
instructions to download Matlab R2014b.Following the installation process 
of Matlab, I was met with this message: Installing 
Product: MATLAB Compiler Runtime - Core 8.4(Oct 08, 2023 11:29:15) 
Installing Product: MATLAB Compiler Runtime - GPU 8.4(Oct 08, 2023 
11:29:21) Notes: On the target computer, append the following to your 
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment 
 08, 2023 11:29:21) Exiting with status 0(Oct 08, 2023 11:29:21) End - 
Successful.FinishedR2014b installed successfully in 
/Applications/freesurfer/7.1.1/MCRv84And so I have appended the path using this 
code into my bashrc profile: export 
 am wondering if I can get some help with running the hippocampus segmentation 
protocol .Thank you so much for your time, I greatly appreciate your 
support. <matlab_crash_dump.28607-2>_______________________________________________Freesurfer
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