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Dear Freesurfer Developers,

I am attempting to use Freesurfer on MacOS Ventura (version 13.5.2) with an
M2 Pro silicone chip and GPU. I have successfully installed Freesurfer
version 7.4.1.
I am trying to use samseg for cross-sectional MS lesion volume analysis by
running the following command:

run_samseg --input Freesurfer_subjects/T1.nii
Freesurfer_subjects/FAMUS/T2FLAIR_reg.nii --pallidum-separate --lesion
--lesion-mask-pattern 0 1 --output Freesurfer_subjects/FAMUS/samseg

I get the error message:

zsh: illegal hardware instruction  run_samseg --input
Freesurfer_subjects/FAMUS/T1.nii   --lesion  0 1

As described in the samseg manual, one may be prompted to use Tensorflow
when using this module for the first time. I was not prompted to do so but
I did install it (and python3 as well) using the instructions here:
After this, I still get the above error message.

I can also see that there is no support for running Tensorflow on Mac
with GPU.
Does this mean that there's no way for me to run this command or is there
anything else I can try to solve this?
Of note, the basic samseg command (run_samseg --input <file> [<file> ...]
--output <dir> [--threads <threads>] [--pallidum-separate]) is
running without any issues.

Thank you,
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