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Hi FreeSurfers,

I have been attempting to run segmentThalamicNuclei.sh and continue getting the 

ERROR: cannot find Matlab 2019b runtime in location:


It is looking for either:

  bin/glnxa64/libmwlaunchermain.so    (Linux 64b) or

  bin/maci64/libmwlaunchermain.dylib (Mac 64b)

The hippocampal/amygdala and brainstem modules require the (free) Matlab 

You will need to download the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) for Matlab 2019b.

To do so, please run the following command (you might need root permissions):

fs_install_mcr R2019b

For further details, please visit 

Current path setup on our Mac: /Applications/freesurfer/7.3.2/MCRv97

Symbolic link setup on our Mac named MCRv97: 

However, I have already installed the runtime and have alternatively created a 
symbolic link with Matlab we already have installed on our Mac.
I have also confirmed the runtime file exists on the machine

ln: MCRv91/MATLAB_R2016b.app: File exists

We are using FreeSurfer version 7.3.2 on an iMac Pro with Ventura 13.6.

Any suggestions for how to get the matlab runtime issue resolved in order to 
reun the segmentThalamicNuclei.sh code.

Thank you,

Lauren Stephens

Lauren Stephens, MS

Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

Stanford University School of Medicine

E: laure...@stanford.edu

P: (650)-725-1716

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