External Email - Use Caution        

Did make a new setup with 16Gb. Restarted. Hope I can give you positive 
feedback tomorrow.

Pål G. Larsson M.D., PhD.
Senior Medical Officer
Department of Neurosurgery
Division of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience

Oslo University Hospital
Po.box 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
Tel:  (+47) 23074407
Mobile: (+47) 93429791
E-mail: p...@ous-hf.no<mailto:p...@ous-hf.no>

Ikke sensitiv

Fra: fsbuild <fsbu...@contbay.com>
Sendt: 3. oktober 2023 08:29
Til: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Kopi: Pål Gunnar Larsson <p...@ous-hf.no>
Emne: Re: [Freesurfer] Slow processing of large defect

 If your host machine has 32G of RAM, then it should work to give the VM 16G or 
perhaps even 24G of RAM.

If most all swap space is in use, then it’s likely something is under-running 
or exhausting the available physical RAM.   Some machines start to swap what’s 
in memory out to disk files when only 80% of RAM is in use.  But disk I/O from 
loading swap files in/out of memory can cause the machine to slow down or 
thrash and never finish processing.  With no consequential or RAM hungry 
applications running on the host, then the host should be able to essentially 
run idle with 8G of RAM leaving 24G to assign to the VM.

- R.

On Oct 3, 2023, at 02:01, Pål Gunnar Larsson 
<p...@ous-hf.no<mailto:p...@ous-hf.no>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Thank you for fast reply.
The computer has 32Gb. The virtual machine has 8Gb. According to ‘top’ all is 
used, except 140Mb. Swap has 1Gb of which 780Mb is used. Does swapping use lots 
of CPU? It is 100% most of the time.

Fra: fsbuild <fsbu...@contbay.com<mailto:fsbu...@contbay.com>>
Sendt: 3. oktober 2023 04:33
Til: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Kopi: Pål Gunnar Larsson <p...@ous-hf.no<mailto:p...@ous-hf.no>>
Emne: Re: [Freesurfer] Slow processing of large defect

Not clear if "8G of RAM" below means 8G is assigned to the VM, or the host 
machine has 8G RAM total.   Assuming the VM has ~8G assigned then the host 
should have 16-24G RAM total.

It reads like the VM is thrashing, e.g., swapping out to disk due to lack of 
RAM - which can cause a crash.   I would try running the VM on a host machine 
that can provide more RAM.  So if the VM is currently running with 8G, then try 
doubling it to 16G (on a host with at least 24 or 32G RAM)..

- R.

On 10/2/23 10:31, Pål Gunnar Larsson (p...@ous-hf.no<mailto:p...@ous-hf.no>) 
        External Email - Use Caution

I am running FS 7.4.1 on Ubuntu 22.10 on Virtualbox 21.10, having 8Gb of ram.

I am running a child-MRI where I got a message about a large defect which would 
run slowly or crash. FS is still running after more than 10 days (70%-100% CPU 
use), but there are nothing written to disk for 10 days. It is working on 
retesselation of defect 162.
Is there any reason to wait it out? Or will the results be unpredictable?


Pål G. Larsson

Ikke sensitiv


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