External Email - Use Caution        

 Please send along the link to the video you were using so we can check 
the instructions.
The license is just a single file you obtain by filling out the web form, 
  If the form submission is accepted, the screen will be refreshed and you 
will see a new page saying your license has been sent to the email address you 
Assuming you are on a Mac reading your email, the default location for 
downloads is your Downloads folder.  When you receive that email, you can 
save the license.txt file attached to the email to the default location. 
 It will be saved to $HOME/Downloads which you can see in the Finder 
Window when you open your Downloads folder - or from the terminal.
Open a new terminal window and check/setup the license.txt file,
$ cd$ pwd/Users/<your userid>
$ ls -l Downloads/license.txt-rw-r—r--@ 1 userid  group  71 Aug 10 
12:53 Downloads/license..txt    <— your userid, group, date, etc. 
will differ
Copy that to your home directory with this command (that is a 
space followed by a period at the end of the line).  Or you could 
move it in the Finder.
$ cp -p -f  Downloads/license.txt .$ ls -l  license.txt-rw-r—r--@ 1 
userid  group  71 Aug 10 12:53 license..txt    <—— your 
date, etc. output will differ
The above only needs to be done once.  To tell freesurfer where to find 
the license file, you can use the environment variable FS_LICENSE.  You 
set that in your terminal session with the following (using the default zsh = 
bash compatible shell).
$ export FS_LICENSE=$HOME/license.txt
I’ll assume you used one to the .pkg installers we provide for the Mac 
releases, which you can download 
from https://secure-web.cisco.com/1W8vsqGghiuM0oaEbdbdwmxzEGH9qLKdqIXhIsl6GKqRgPDAiv3DM5VbrFqFNW9iZia1ozEciC_PmdyfKLETlphofFIMWl6FUnwvhfyITT6goytCKFLhXZ0cPZxgaCIczfQ6i-8uL6AHiTXDsby0p_44rtHnlbLlnALH0cEW_6KCOzTTmVIh063iej0vam3EvRdGd0u5-8kqUg9HjRixn0qW3n4Jm8w_W0Ca2C_4acipdySKzGtrhF_qd5tyhHRpkoApa1eA2yP8GIcGz7pYlcbPbXylyniPeiGTapgt6xT9tZYFk52gvmoRfGRaeVsPR6WU6emaWdgzd10kxOZ25nQ/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr..mgh.harvard.edu%2Ffswiki%2Frel7downloads
  If you downloaded the latest 7..4.1 
installer, https://secure-web.cisco.com/1hOOmlU9howzc7Jw9g6LR2G-cR50zejLhJkRg9HTIpsOaCQLhnYDrWyhgpy3sogHQQVDvZzOXQmW4aO0aZ6Gd_0UMAn9OdDcnBQPZ0PbxomWPbduAWRLVigW68SpbyT_bv85QW9TX7MgLaPEQOalmSP4vq8rU3jWELRSqL1XHAbdr2wMGqnT_Y-l_vu7mx56fzRIjCGowuihctOquP8ZQSqHD86E4QMEPasn44wjSBeMhl9sluP21Ifj4k7BC-XmooeFA9pq6SurIoLJsW26dyI2ABrtLm33kNkKsUOAX8X32yUMiXUlXX1iY2B99MqqzdPUGA4Wl1vxc5LCfy5llxA/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fpub%2Fdist%2Ffreesurfer%2F7.4.1%2Ffreesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1.pkg, -
 then freesurfer was installed under /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1
You can navigate to /Applications/freesurfer in the Finder and see what your 
directory is there under Applications/freesurfer.  You will need to add 
what you find under /Applications/freesurfer to substitute for 7.4.1 in the 
example below if you did not install the 7.4.1 .pkg.
Check our setup script is there in the installation$ ls  -l 
 /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh-rwxr-xr-x  1 
root  wheel  1350 Jun 14 
00:09 /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
Once you have verified the above path to the freesurfer installation, then 
setup the freesurfer environment with,
$ export FREESURFER_HOME=/Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1     
<— change 7.4.1 etc. to be what you installed if different$ source 
freesurfer-macOS-darwin_x86_64-7.4.1-20230614-7eb8460 --------Setting up 
environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and 
FSL)FREESURFER_HOME   /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1FSFAST_HOME  
Try running freeview with no arguments and verify that it opens an empty 
window.  It should not crash given FS_LICENSE is set above.
… check freeview is there ..$ which 
$ freeview… should open an empty window … then manually quit freeview …
Try opening one of the example subject volume files
$ freeview $SUBJECTS_DIR/bert/mri/brain.mgz
… and you should see freeview display some images.
- R.
On Aug 10, 2023, at 12:03, Aqeel Mohamed <aqeel.t...@gmail.com> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hello,I am a new 
Freesurfer user and am currently struggling to run the freeview software on my 
MacBook Pro Ventura 13.5 OSX.I was following the step-by-step guide video on 
the Freesurfer wiki, but when it came to opening the 'bert' file, freeview 
would immediately crash (details of the report below). I unfortunately am 
a bit inexperienced with computers so I am unsure what the report means so 
would greatly appreciate any insight you can provide! I am also struggling 
to create a .license folder via terminal for my license key. I had hunted 
through the archives of the mailing list and managed to find a pico 
command but it is not letting me save the folder so would appreciate some help 
with this too!Apologies for such trivial questions - greatly appreciate 
any help you can provide!Aqeel
Freesurfer mailing list
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