External Email - Use Caution You'll have to do it by hand or maybe in matlab; you can use fast_ldtable.m to load in the tables in matlab

On 8/5/2023 4:54 AM, inbal paran wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hello FreeSurfer Developers, I need to compute the volume of specific bilateral cortical and subcortical ROIs. I already ran reacon-all on all of my subjects, and I extracted volumes of the ROIs per hemisphere of both the cortical and subcortical brain regions (aseg and aparc).
How can I compute the merged volume of both hemispheres per each ROI?
The freesurfer version I am using: freesurfer-linux-centos7_x86_64-7.1.1-20200723-8b40551

Thank you
*Inbal Paran, M.PT <http://secure-web.cisco.com/1dUL-xmv_VpHQT4s0hPfzZjFPufKHWvX3qxyzuwCCmLC-l-1yQ70_K7AAnBUr_tHKyNGZOApRchm79nZ_v_1rClHHRsJpPqQ4Xp983Ia7H9MS_VAdnyW2JVZJD0-cposXIMhAzzL11x6uK0_-kdK9Chtr1WeaGuybq3dYFjb6eH0tEcWj8YtOxTYUFuDFB2x7lOfBgrFOTkzv2YtpFyAsKTIZf4GboGKnvS062ObLbXOwluDb8bPMaHhYkSybWLqw_YzJ5vwR419cOSbqZWJiW0Uvvjp6BpZVJmjlwZDzuc0RcQ3fHXyfMXo2WthrHNNGhFmVcooMxJmPNHJuMjHlpw/http%3A%2F%2FM.PT>.
Schwartz Movement analysis & Rehabilitation Laboratory, Physical Therapy Department, Recanati School for Community Health Professions.
Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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