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Hello FreeSurfer experts,

I'm attempting to follow the longitudinal pipeline, as described on the 
longitudinal processing tutorial 
 while creating a within-subject template, I get the following error when I run 
this command:

recon-all -base Subj03_template -tp 
/Users/bernis/Calismalar/results/Subj03/Subj03_TO/Subj03_TO.nii -tp 
/Users/bernis/Calismalar/results/Subj03/Subj03_TS/Subj03_TS.nii -all

error: mghRead(/Users/bernis/Calismalar/results/Subj03_TS.nii/mri/rawavg.mgz, 
-1): could not open file

Does anyone have any idea how I can resolve this problem?

1) FreeSurfer version: v7.2.0
2) Platform: MacOS Big Sur release 11.6.7
3) recon-all.log: see attached

Best regards,


Bernis Sütçübaşı
Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences/Department of Psychology

Kerem Aydınlar Kampüsü
Kayışdağı Cad. 32 Ataşehir 34752 İstanbul
Tel 0 216 500 36 05

Attachment: recon-all.log
Description: recon-all.log

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