External Email - Use Caution        

What you report looks like an issue with WSL and not the X-Ming X-server or the 
fressurfer distribution.  You could try following the advice in the 
postings below.
This posting mentions focus and user input may be getting lost if the window 
has gone into “select” mode, 
This posting recommends disabling Linux GUI support by 
setting guiapplications=false in your %USERPROFILE%\.wslconfig file. 
 I’m not sure about this, because I’ve never seen this previously reported 
or had to try that edit.
- R.

On Jul 16, 2023, at 15:36, Tsahi Asher <tsahi.as...@mail.huji.ac.il> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hello,I have a problem 
when i use freeview.Setup:Windows 11wsl ubuntu 22.04windows xserver - xming 
(vcxsrv) with the following parameters<XLaunch 
WindowMode="MultiWindow" ClientMode="NoClient" LocalClient="False" Display="-1" 
LocalProgram="xcalc" RemoteProgram="xterm" RemotePassword="" PrivateKey="" 
RemoteHost="" RemoteUser="" XDMCPHost="" XDMCPBroadcast="False" 
XDMCPIndirect="False" Clipboard="True" ClipboardPrimary="True" ExtraParams="" 
Wgl="False" DisableAC="False" XDMCPTerminate="False"/>freesurfer for ubuntu 
7.4.1problem:When i use the app some popup windows do not get focused, I have 
no way to make any button of the popup work, not with the mouse and not with 
the keyboard, not any button in the popup, but also not main windows buttons 
(close maximize etc), i also can not drag and move the windows. Attached are 
two examples from the freeview app. The "load surface overlay" is a pop up that 
is responding, the "configure overlay" pop up is the one that i can not get to 

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