External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfer developer.
I successfully completed the tracula trac-all analysis using freesurfer
7.4.1. ThalamicNuclei.v13.T1.FSvoxelSpace.mgz images were obtained using
segmentThalamicNuclei.sh, and trac-all analyses results were obtained using
both set usethalnuc = 0 and 1 in the tracula config option. The tracts
obtained from the two analyzes were similar in general, but slightly
different in detail. Can you elaborate a bit more on what the usethalnuc
option does to the results?

Sincerely yours.

Woo-Suk, Tae
Seoul, Korea

Woo-Suk, Tae  Ph.D.  Research Professor
Brain Convergence Research Center, Medical Research Center
Anam Hospital, Korea University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
mobile: 82-10-9120-4629
office: 82-2-920-6831
email: ws...@korea.ac.kr, woosuk....@gmail.com,
          wo <woos...@naver.com>os...@gmail.com
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