External Email - Use Caution        

Actually, that is not the problem at all.

I have found two errors in your script (the one on Github)

There are two lines which refer to colortable_BA_thresh.txt that should say

The script gets further when I fix those but I still have errors. The first
one is:

Writing annot to
INFO: using TH3 volume calc
INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes.
computing statistics for each annotation in ./rh.BA_exvivo.annot.
reading volume /home/michael/subjects/jun23mpsynfix/mri/wm.mgz...
reading input surface /home/michael/subjects/jun23mpsynfix/surf/rh.white...
Using TH3 vertex volume calc
Total face volume 254138
Total vertex volume 253934 (mask=0)
reading input pial surface
reading input white surface
error: No such file or directory
error: could not read annot file ./rh.BA_exvivo.annot
I think the first line here is writing to the wrong filename.

On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 1:22 PM Michael Mc Laughlin <mich...@thecurate.com>

> I found the problem. Your script has the following lines :
> You need to delete the fsaverage from the $SUBJECTS_DIR definition because
> the lines following it put it in also.
> ln -s $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage $SUBJECTS_DIR/
> cd ../label
> # labels
> set cmd="mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/lh.BA1_exvivo.label
> --trgsubject $SNAME --trglabel ./lh.BA1_exvivo.label --hemi lh
> --regmethod surface"
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:23 AM Michael Mc Laughlin <
> mich...@thecurate.com> wrote:
>> I tried recon-all-clinical and there are two main problems
>> 1)  I ran it on a T1-MPRAGE image and it looks fine except that there are
>> no lateral ventricles in the output. See attached.
>> 2) I get lots of errors at the end.
>> I read the following note in the release notes:
>> *Please replace $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/recon-all-clinical.sh with the
>> latest version HERE
>> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1eutngO8x-cnInx1UiwsTbUiqH_J1FFbPlrpb5nep4tp2FGeHLJWhr62zennTxHmyfhhMHTJzmalKsH0Fdcu6w0oMQfc2GF0N9oMVNXiAEcHqkI4mvXcTc7ePooxDCG5UCgNGiFenjonRI6mPtOMcoDwmSooKSvTh_ksg-rc74kjqKpN6HLspakn60zmk6jXU4w0Bh8htbWlOviPNDEURamRYORlPBiAdDh-wTZe8S_t-ZYsJtMpwRSnt-auni2swkTn_zQMUPp4Ts9hKgR4pQACuUBfP6hDgwqyQ1rfn9Ifboo4di1fuq-Oxq22KB_nq/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ffreesurfer%2Ffreesurfer%2Fblob%2Fdev%2Frecon_all_clinical%2Frecon-all-clinical.sh>.
>> Development versions newer than June 15th 2023 do not have this problem.]*
>> I am not a linux expert, so I don't know how to download that file. If I
>> could download it I am sure I could manage to replace it in the bin
>> directory.
>> I made an attempt by clicking on the link and copying the text from my
>> browser into a new text file. I used this to replace the supplied file, but
>> I still get errors. Maybe I screwed up.
>> Michael McLaughlin,
>> Island View, Beulah Court,
>> Harbour Road, Dalkey
>> Co. Dublin
>> Ph:+353 87 688 2514
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