External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Loïc,
Uncertain if this will address the error you are receiving, but after looking 
over your analysis.info files and the analysis script, it looks like you are 
trying to analyze each individual retinotopy run (polar or eccen) separately?  
If that is your intention, then you should include a runlist flag with your 
mkanalysis-sess command. With no runlist pointing the analysis to a single run 
to analyze the selxavg3-sess includes all the runs it finds within the fsd 
(bold subdir), and it looks for the run name specific paradigm file in each run 
folder which probably doesn’t exist in each run subdir.

Typically one includes all the retinotopy runs of a specific type when looking 
to get eccen or polar maps. In that case you would just need paradigm files 
present in each run folder which all have the same name and a run list 
identifying all the eccen or polar runs.  If you still encounter errors, it 
might be helpful to see what information is contained in the paradigm files you 
are using.

Lastly, I noticed that the retinotopy period differs across the two 
analysis.info files you had sent out (30 vs. 32), just FYI.

From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Loïc Daumail 
Date: Monday, June 5, 2023 at 5:35 PM
To: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Error with running retinotopy glm

        External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,

To follow up on my previous email, I also tried the same code on a different PC 
with Ubuntu 22.02.4 LTS and FreeSurfer version 7.4

This time, I also get an error at the stage of running selxavg3-sess:

fast_selxavg3b.m 7.4.0
outtop = /home/tonglab/Documents/Loic/retinotopy/sub-F019_sourceData
Extension format = nii.gz
INFO: key nSliceGroups unrecognized, line 11, skipping
nruns = 3
autostimdur =

outanadir = 
Found 429871/518993 (82.8) voxels in mask 1
Creating Design Matrix
 ... creation time =  0.003 sec
DoMCFit = 1
ntptot = 150, nX = 27, DOF = 123
Saving X matrix to 
XCond = NaN (normalized)
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In fast_selxavg3b (line 403)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

Computing contrast matrices
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In fast_selxavg3b (line 441)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In fast_selxavg3b (line 441)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

OLS Beta Pass
  run 1    t= 0.0
reading data ... 2.94087
    Global Mean 18794.10
Global In-Mask Mean = 18794.1 (NaN)
Rescale Target = 100
RescaleFactor = 0.00532082
OLS Residual Pass
  run 1    t= 0.0
reading data ... 2.83474
Saving rho1
Found 0 voxels with corrected AR1 > 0.90
Not Whitening
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In fast_glmfit (line 54)
In fast_selxavg3b (line 999)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

Found 89122 zero-valued voxels
Computing contrasts
Starting contrasts
eccen J=2 -------------
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
> In fast_fratiow (line 86)
In fast_selxavg3b (line 1161)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be 
inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.
> In fast_fratiow (line 86)
In fast_selxavg3b (line 1161)
In sxa3 (line 9)
In run (line 91)

Error using betainc
X must be in the interval [0,1].

Error in FTest (line 51)
p = betainc(z, dof2/2, dof1/2);

Error in fast_selxavg3b (line 1163)
    pmat = FTest(dof1, dof2, Fmat);

Error in sxa3 (line 9)

Error in run (line 91)
evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';'));

This is the code I use for this stage:
polarRuns=(1 2 3)

for((i=1; i<${#polarRuns[@]}+1; i++)); do
parName=$(printf run"%02d"_parad.par $i)
unset Num1 ;
unset Num2;
Num1=${polarRuns[i]} ; printf -v Num1 "%02d" $Num1 ;
printf -v Num2 "%03d" $Num1 ;
mkanalysis-sess -analysis retinotopy.F019.$Num1.lh -surface sub-F019 lh -TR 2 
-retinotopy 32 -paradigm $parName -per-run -fsd bold -fwhm 5 -force;  #

selxavg3-sess -a retinotopy.F019.$Num1.lh -s sess01 -per-run -monly sxa3.m;

/home/tonglab/MATLAB/R2023a/bin/matlab -nojvm -nodesktop -r "run 
Please see attached the annalysis info file of one of the runs (though the 
error applies to all the runs)

Any advice would be highly appreciated at this stage.


Le jeu. 1 juin 2023 à 11:00, Loïc Daumail 
<loic.daum...@gmail.com<mailto:loic.daum...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I am trying to perform a retinotopy analysis using fs-fast with Freesurfer 
version 7.3.2 on a Mac OS Monterey Version 12.6.2

Here is the error I am having (I saw this same error in the archive, but I 
wasn't able to find any solution email that followed regarding this issue):

Saving X matrix to 
Error using svd
Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.Error in cond (line 35)
  s = svd(A);Error in fast_selxavg3b (line 389)
 XCond = cond(XtX);Error in sxa3 (line 9)
 in run (line 91)
evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';'));

Please see attached the code I used, and the associated files of the analysis

Thanks in advance for your help!
PhD candidate
Vanderbilt University
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