External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Freesurfer Developers,

I'm conducting along-tract statistics using trac-all -stat and
mri_glmfit-sim in FS v7.3.2, and I'm hoping to produce coordinates of where
significant clusters are located along the mean tracts in template space.

I've attached an example of my cluster summary txt files and have two

1) Is it expected that this analysis would produce voxel indices for the
output file (e.g., VoxX) rather than coordinates?

2) If so, what might be the best way to report coordinates in template
space? I've overlaid the statistical outputs on the template tracts for
visualization in freeview as described at the end of the Tracula tutorial (
but I'm wondering if there is a more efficient and exact way to determine
coordinates of these clusters along the template tracts.

Thank you for any clarification you can provide.


*Makenna McGill *(she/her)
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology
The University of Texas at Austin
# Cluster Growing Summary (mri_volcluster)
# 7.3.2
# cwd /Volumes/schnyer/Makenna/DODADNI/BIDS/derivatives/t1prep
# cmdline mri_volcluster --in 
 --no-fixmni --cwsig 
 --cwpvalthresh .05 --out 
 --allowdiag --maxcwpval 
 --gte --csdpdf 
# sysname  Darwin
# hostname PSYC-A30765
# machine  x86_64
# user     mbm3668
# Input Volume:      
# Frame Number:      0
# VoxSize_mm3 3.375
# SearchSpace_mm3 239.625
# SearchSpace_vox 71
# Minimum Threshold: 1.3
# Bonferroni 0
# Maximum Threshold: inifinity
# Threshold Sign:    abs
# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
# CW PValue Threshold: 0.05 
# Size Threshold:    0 mm^3
# Size Threshold:    0 voxels
# Voxel Size:        3.375 mm^3
# Registration:      None : Tal Coords invalid
# Mask Vol:          
# Mask Thresh:       0.500000
# Mask Sign:         abs
# Mask Invert:       0
# AllowDiag:         1
# NClusters          1
# CSD thresh  1.300000
# CSD nreps    1000
# CSD simtype  perm
# CSD contrast matrix_tbi.txt
# CSD confint  90.000000
# Reporting Coordinates in Voxel Indices
# Cluster   Size(n)   Size(mm^3)     VoxX    VoxY    VoxZ             Max    
CWP    CWPLow    CWPHi
  1            5          16.9      67.00    0.00    0.00          -2.56128  
0.03896  0.03100  0.04700
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