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Can you try running it with -distances 20 20 added to the command line?

From: Nasr, Shahin,Ph.D. <shahin.n...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2023 8:59 AM
To: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Cc: Fischl, Bruce R.,PHD <bfis...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: mris_flatten Version 6 vs. 7

Dear Bruce,
     I ran mris_flatten with -norand flag (mris_flatten -norand 
rh.occip.patch.3d rh.occip.patch.flat) and it still fails (see the attached 
file).  I can share the patch with you if you want.  But it is a surprise 
because version 6 generate the flattened patch without any problem.
     Also FYI, this problem is NOT limited to this specific patch.  I have 
applied it to multiple other occipital patches (from other subjects) and the 
outcome is the same.


Shahin Nasr, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor in Radiology
Harvard Medical School
 on behalf of Fischl, Bruce R.,PHD 
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 5:21 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_flatten Version 6 vs. 7

Yes, well, that is totally my fault! Doug is much better about adding help text 
than I am ☹


 On Behalf Of Nasr, Shahin,Ph.D.
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 5:18 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_flatten Version 6 vs. 7

Hi Bruce,

     In both versions, I use this command:

mris_flatten rh.occip.patch.3d rh.occip.patch.flat

They are applied to the same patch.

Also may be I missed it but when I used help (mris_flatten --help) I didn't see 
any of these flags.



 on behalf of Fischl, Bruce R.,PHD 
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 5:11:49 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_flatten Version 6 vs. 7

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Shahin

What is your command line? mris_flatten does some random sampling of distances 
since the whole N^2 distance matrix is too big. You can remove the randomness 
by either specifying -norand or using a specific seed like -seed 1234.

That said, you second image looks like a failure of the flattening. This 
usually means the distances aren’t sampled out far enough/densely enough. The 
defaults are super old (7 neighbor ring, 12 distances/ring). You could try 
something like -distances 20 20 and see if that fixes things (and -norand if 
you want)



 On Behalf Of Nasr, Shahin,Ph.D.
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 3:15 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: [Freesurfer] mris_flatten Version 6 vs. 7

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Surfers,

     This is the second time that I have brought this issue up.  When applied 
to the same 3D patch, the command mris_flatten generates two completely 
different outcomes when runs under stable 6 vs. 711 (see the attached files). I 
checked the documentation if there is any flags by which I can control the 
process. But I couldn't find anything relevant.  Any idea what has happened?


Shahin Nasr, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor in Radiology

Harvard Medical School

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