If you are going to do the analysis in volume space, then it does not make any sense to do any part of it in surface space. Why not map the individual to fsaverage space and do the comparison there?

On 3/31/2023 8:26 AM, Jennifer Kilmer wrote:

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I am having difficulties figuring out how to move PET images from the fsaverage space back to the subject space. Using the PETSurfer wiki instructions for surface-based analysis, we have sampled each subject’s surface onto the surface of fsaverage using mri_vol2surf, which was then smoothed using mris_fwhm, and finally the results were brought back from surface space to volume (using mri_surf2vol), still in the fsaverage space.

We are doing an analysis in SPM comparing each individual subject to controls and would like to move these results to the subject space, because remaining in the fsaverage space has given us results that do not match up very well and make the analysis difficult.

We have attempted using mri_vol2vol but the resulting gray matter ribbon did not align with our subject T1. Is it necessary to combine the talairach lta/m3z register files and/or inverse them to achieve this? and if so, how?

or if there is a simpler way to move the results from fsaverage space back into subject space, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your help!


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