Hi Anam,

Check out mris_left_right_register.  It's not super well documented, but it 
takes as input the right and left hemispheres, inflated onto a sphere, and 
outputs the left hemisphere registered to the right and the right hemisphere 
registered to the left, also inflated onto a sphere.

If you'd like to do this in matlab, perhaps looking at the code for 
mris_left_right_regsiter would help


From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Anam Anzak 
Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 4:00 PM
To: Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Cc: Bernardo Pimentel
Subject: [Freesurfer] Flipping Thickness Matrices

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear FreeSurfer Community,

Has anyone had any success with solving the below problem:

I am dealing with brain lesions which may present on the left or right 
hemisphere of the brain.

  1.  I wish to 'FLIP' RIGHT sided hemispheres (which contain lesions) to the 
LEFT side, so I ultimately can collate all my data and analyse brain 
hemispheres that are IPSILATERAL or CONTRALATERAL to the side of the brain 
  2.  When I use the Flip function below, the matrix generated seems to be 
correct, HOWEVER the subsequent IMAGE generated from the matrix, appears 
incorrect (it is not at all a mirror image of the original image).
  3.  NOTE: My matrices include a Lesion Mask and a Medial Wall Mask (I am 
interested in examining Cortical Thickness values of all the cortex EXCEPT the 
lesion and medial wall (tentorium and ventricles etc).

Here are the commands used, for eg. 'subject 1':

%% 4b. Load the binary Lesion masks RIGHT

right_lesion_filelist    = strcat(P, '/Oedema_masks_bin/', Imaging_Code, 

% load RIGHT lesion masks into a matrix

right_lesions       = SurfStatReadData([right_lesion_filelist]);
right_lesions = ~right_lesions;

% create a left hemisphere matrix filled with 1s
left_hemisphere = ones(17,10242)

% concatenate horizontally lesions masks (L) with right hemisphere matrix
fullbrain_with_right_lesions = horzcat(left_hemisphere, right_lesions)

% create medial wall mask for all subjects
r_whole_mask = repmat(mask, 17, 1)

% add the medial wall mask on the lesion masks

fullbrain_lesion_medialwall = fullbrain_with_right_lesions.*r_whole_mask

% apply matrix with lesion & medial wall to the thickness values
T_right = fullbrain_lesion_medialwall .* T_rightlesion

%% Flip the Right sided images to the left

% reverse the element in each row
subject1 = T_right(1,:)

SurfStatView(subject1, SP)

SP = SurfStatAvSurf({[P '/fsaverage5/surf/rh.pial'],[P 
subject1_flipped = fliplr(subject1)
SurfStatView(subject1_flipped, SP)

mirror_image = fliplr(T_right)

SurfStatView(mirror_image(1,:), SP)

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!
Kind regards

NIHR Clinical Lecturer (Neurosurgery)
Specialty Registrar in Neurosurgery, London deanery

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