External Email - Use Caution
Hi Yujing,
 No problem at all.  I really appreciate yours, and now Martin's, help with this issue.  If you would like to start with dicoms, please let me know.

Again, thank you both for your help.


*Andrew Beaudin, PhD* | Research Associate
University of Calgary | Cumming School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
HSC Rm 2935J, 3330 Hospital Drive N.W. | Calgary, AB | T2N 4N1
Phone: (403) 210-6273

*From:* Huang, Yujing [mailto:yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu]
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 10:27
*To:* Andrew Beaudin <abeau...@ucalgary.ca>, Freesurfer support list 
*Cc:* Reuter, Martin,Ph.D. <mreu...@mgh.harvard.edu>
*Subject:* [Freesurfer] Fwd: mri_robust_template - MyMatrix::RotationMean Error


Hi Andrew,

Sorry for the late response. I’m able to reproduce your error.

I have included Martin to the communication. He is the author of the program. He is going to take a look at your data.



*From:*Andrew Beaudin <abeau...@ucalgary.ca>
*Sent:* Friday, November 25, 2022 3:25 PM
*To:* Huang, Yujing <yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>; Freesurfer support list 
*Subject:* RE: [Freesurfer] Fwd: mri_robust_template - MyMatrix::RotationMean 

*        External Email - Use Caution *

Hi Huang,

  Thank you very much for your help with this.  Apologies for the delay.

  You should be able to retrieve sample images from the following link (expires on Dec. 2).  I have also included a brief word document at the link that includes some details of the nifti images.

https://secure-web.cisco.com/1u-XjnB7jp5aUY3P1eL9t3mjpEr4XAP3TY2U7XxL4Sk87YBdOSl_IQZ5JxeKcPMFrkH1D-DL51W3gJTpja96AmSeeT6NQ-dEWQRnDoseAfuoXPdol4fUEj456GfCfg6j6TtlrWRZoceOKpLjcxVFnsacYsf16cLSN-f6q0Sbbc0InWMXztU4Wy6y0t1g_7ySgm0Nc6-uXHG8pXVATn179wXImzhZu1it0pGrkoYjI0g6eUpUKXmb5AwPI0oaQZUaiMUxvvZMEIDGHEmGBTYBoZBfCSn_YRcLlNDAPu9m1IlJo22qTgCbu8sgHPQszXhUWwLqcZSrhBQP4hmRgdIJumtNtYVbbc8YuFjLZXax3WT0/https%3A%2F%2Fuofc-my.sharepoint.com%2F%3Af%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fabeaudin_ucalgary_ca%2FEmL7JGE0J-BHpnRfqArO3OMBlcD4VPqRkUZKfsmKGeL2SQ <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1hstJ7MT7lbWknwArluI7lsJDpCaPEnPjFOntWZC705TN7hf2zZ6yi6kYZOC0uvnzY4lhzK3ZM6JenT-iUCVRXmGQD3uftAD8OYL8nRsUntQSgd62pdkysnwz7Ei0MpfFScbOiKSm0zYOh7orQWmOfvRZJYI8GvWgu9XtDcLuLHMfgMkdllTtYJdE5Ht3Rh2a17I1tqEXZCjpKzzl_Hdx6NaDHJPqGxeKLX0pSSO_LGk3WyZ7S3YL04EgD6GiMRV2KCYSn4mx2cLl7I06xdwOr9DxyUFAXoLsVoBpaUDi-KcISE065Vag1H-7HyUhCIAgQFmsEVYjvotyAmUOYZvUQw/https%3A%2F%2Fuofc-my.sharepoint.com%2F%3Af%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fabeaudin_ucalgary_ca%2FEmL7JGE0J-BHpnRfqArO3OMBlcD4VPqRkUZKfsmKGeL2SQ>

The command call I am using is:

mri_robust_template --mov 2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz 2001B_T1o_brain.nii.mgz --lta 2001A2template.lta 2001B2template.lta --average 1 --template 2001_template.nii.gz --satit

  However, while troubleshooting I have also tried the following with no 

1) using the --iscale flag - same MyMatrix::RotationMean Error (see below for 

2) using --inittp 0 - results in a 'Segmentation fault'
3) using --average 0 - same MyMatrix::RotationMean Error
4) using Freesurfer v7.2 - same MyMatrix::RotationMean Error

5) running mri_robust_template call on Catalina and Big Sur systems with FS v6.0 - same MyMatrix::RotationMean Error.

Again, thank you for the help….and please let me know if your need any additional information or anything clarified.


*Andrew Beaudin, PhD* | Postdoctoral Scholar
University of Calgary | Cumming School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
HSC Rm 2935J, 3330 Hospital Drive N.W. | Calgary, AB | T2N 4N1
Phone: (403) 210-6273

*From:*Huang, Yujing <yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>
*Sent:* November 22, 2022 7:32 AM
*To:* Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Cc:* Andrew Beaudin <abeau...@ucalgary.ca>
*Subject:* RE: [Freesurfer] Fwd: mri_robust_template - MyMatrix::RotationMean 


Hi Andrew,

Can you send us some data to debug? The link has expired. Also, the command line that you are having trouble with.



*From:*freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> *On Behalf Of *Andrew Beaudin
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 29, 2022 10:45 PM
*To:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
*Subject:* [Freesurfer] Fwd: mri_robust_template - MyMatrix::RotationMean Error

*        External Email - Use Caution *

Hello Freesurfer Community,
  I am trying to use mri_robust_template (with its default 6 DOF registration) outside of the Freesurfer longitudinal pipeline to generate within-participant T1 templates from 2 time points.  Unfortunately, I am coming up against a 'MyMatrix::RotationMean input(s) not rotation' error on images acquired on our GE 3T Discovery 750 system, but not our colleagues' Seimens 3T Prisma images.  I have pasted the output from the --debug flag below (and attached as text file - line 188 is the MyMatrix message).   If helpful, images can be download from the following link: *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ls7wEdSjgde9hLJaZxLUAkONj1McFRg4sysDSThCpHQydCVYcoXLchMkU6WK-Eo1berCyJLPh5WGgBga__uEASxeCDrlhfnem4jEBRSBqM4pRIEz5iCLLffWQfvSOZSAeHIAq6GAZzo8kqjl1ZMDK_HefXipddXtnNWtE55Nel7kGQp6R4aaHg3VhyLteU4C4qsGcOvda_2hwE0T0auSj6xefUzfNOBy8228vkwoarUH-lL3fyXTjsUKiICTbEOMZtoCiw5inghh0wGRL1YdJ0DpjKA2NHt7LQJnV8FqFPInmWIdEIVAQhLBcWfJaA_g4GrJramBNiQsAoDe6ItogHja9FeFwygPyC-j6Se4Rog/https%3A%2F%2Fuofc-my.sharepoint.com%2F%3Af%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fabeaudin_ucalgary_ca%2FEmL7JGE0J-BHpnRfqArO3OMBlcD4VPqRkUZKfsmKGeL2SQ%3Fe%3DlcovfR <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1FGQFgBoMNs00DgWtLCrKSIIdug6juLkb2Nu2KrASFJPZBjdCx_joSq08q6GYn899WbiMHITtkL3x-o5AHvRXbH-2JHAu0_Gw5aFmg9rIhsPy0Zu8zpryZYHjsE4umwwEylBRyd0TGNV3m-d5k9_IsQhRu2SYc6vj4WIaJ8F_q9uIcsgpX_QVuppEMG4lRVPp3RvveMfZRpMkehNDZJ_pJT9pje_N5viL2Zb7XZPRfaNnCKK7hTcevtyaKDqtmy85Rm2GqvtUB9vFnPFssxAMeZH7UBH2-8RQCzhCokbVocDQ7-m0q6rQ-kCKxQSNMpVdE3gMPmdjbjJ6vIqZ0RuPLkj9Labe95_FuZXUxmFfL8Y/https%3A%2F%2Fuofc-my.sharepoint.com%2F%3Af%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fabeaudin_ucalgary_ca%2FEmL7JGE0J-BHpnRfqArO3OMBlcD4VPqRkUZKfsmKGeL2SQ%3Fe%3DlcovfR>

   - the images are skull-stripped niftis and I am running Freesurfer 6.0 (freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c) on a WSL2 Ubuntu 18.04 installation.    - the call is: mri_robust_template --mov 2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz 2001B_T1o_brain.nii.mgz --lta 2001A2template.lta 2001B2template.lta --average 1 --template 2001_template.nii.gz --satit

   -  I have tried the following with no success:
1) using the --iscale flag - same result as shown below.
2) using --inittp 0 - results in a 'Segmentation fault'
3) using --average 0 - same result as shown below
4) using Freesurfer v7.2 - same result as below
5) running mri_robust_template call on Catalina and Big Sur systems with FS 
v6.0 - same result as below.

  Currently, the only way to get mri_robust_template to work with our GE images is to run it with the --affine flag.  I would prefer to use the rigid body registration but am at a loss for why these images are failing using the rigid body registration is failing. Any help/insights/recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.


*Andrew Beaudin, PhD* | Postdoctoral Scholar
University of Calgary | Cumming School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
HSC Rm 2935J, 3330 Hospital Drive N.W. | Calgary, AB | T2N 4N1
Phone: (403) 210-6273


$Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.54 2016/05/05 21:17:08 mreuter Exp $

--mov: Using 2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
--mov: Using 2001B_T1o_brain.nii.gz as movable/source volume.
    Total: 2 input volumes
--lta: Will output LTA transforms
--average: Using method 1 for template computation.
--template: Using 2001_template.nii.gz as template output volume.
--satit: Will estimate SAT iteratively!
--debug: Will output debug info and files!
reading source '2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
reading source '2001B_T1o_brain.nii.gz'...
converting source '2001B_T1o_brain.nii.gz' to bspline ...
MRItoBSpline degree 3
Will use TP 2 as random initial target (seed 108242 ).

MultiRegistration::initializing Xforms (init 2 , maxres 0 , iterate 5 , epsit 
0.01 ) :

 MultiRegistration Parameters

 Outdir:        ./
 TransOnly:     false
 Rigid:         true
 Robust:        true
 Satit:         true
 Iscale:        false
 IscaleOnly:    false
 NoMulti:       false
 SubsampleSize: -1
 HighIt:        -1
 FixVoxel:      false
 KeepType:      true
 Average:       1
 DoublePrec:    false
 BackupWeights: false
 SampleType:    5
 CRASCenter:    false
 Debug:         1

[init] ========================= TP 1 to TP 2 ==============================
         Register TP 1 ( 2001A_T1o_brain.nii.gz )
          to      TP 2 ( 2001B_T1o_brain.nii.gz )

Registration::setSourceAndTarget(MRI s, MRI t, keeptype = TRUE )
   Type Source : 3  Type Target : 3  keeping type
   Mov: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (176, 256, 256)
   Dst: (1, 1, 1)mm  and dim (176, 256, 256)
   Asserting both images: 1mm isotropic
    - no Mov reslice necessary
    - no Dst reslice necessary

   - computing centroids
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 )
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 )
   - Build Gaussian Pyramid ( Limits min steps: 0 max steps: 3 )

   - Max Resolution used: 2
     -- gpS ( 44 , 64 , 64 )
     -- gpT ( 44 , 64 , 64 )
   - running loop to estimate saturation parameter:
     -- Iteration: 1  trying sat: 16
         min sat: 16 ( 0.729941 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -16, 
     -- Iteration: 2  trying sat: 32
         min sat: 32 ( 0.713406 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -32, 
     -- Iteration: 3  trying sat: 64
         min sat: 64 ( 0.692689 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -64, 
     -- Iteration: 4  trying sat: 128
         min sat: 128 ( 0.666858 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -128, 
     -- Iteration: 5  trying sat: 256
         min sat: 256 ( 0.637119 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -256, 
     -- Iteration: 6  trying sat: 512
         min sat: 512 ( 0.591624 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -512, 
     -- Iteration: 7  trying sat: 1024
         min sat: 1024 ( 0.550606 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -1024, 
     -- Iteration: 8  trying sat: 2048
         min sat: 2048 ( 0.485668 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -2048, 
     -- Iteration: 9  trying sat: 4096
         min sat: 4096 ( 0.370434 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -4096, 
     -- Iteration: 10  trying sat: 8192
         min sat: 8192 ( 0.19981 ), max sat: 0 ( -1 ), sat diff: -8192, 
     -- Iteration: 11  trying sat: 16384
         min sat: 8192 ( 0.19981 ), max sat: 16384 ( 0.0606314 ), sat diff: 
8192, (wlimit=0.16)
     -- Iteration: 12  trying sat: 12288
         min sat: 8192 ( 0.19981 ), max sat: 12288 ( 0.103499 ), sat diff: 
4096, (wlimit=0.16)
     -- Iteration: 13  trying sat: 10240
         min sat: 8192 ( 0.19981 ), max sat: 10240 ( 0.142423 ), sat diff: 
2048, (wlimit=0.16)
     -- Iteration: 14  trying sat: 9216
         min sat: 9216 ( 0.16727 ), max sat: 10240 ( 0.142423 ), sat diff: 
1024, (wlimit=0.16)
     -- Iteration: 15  trying sat: 9728
         min sat: 9216 ( 0.16727 ), max sat: 9728 ( 0.155264 ), sat diff: 512, 
     -- Iteration: 16  trying sat: 9472
         min sat: 9472 ( 0.160488 ), max sat: 9728 ( 0.155264 ), sat diff: 256, 
     -- Iteration: 17  trying sat: 9600
         min sat: 9472 ( 0.160488 ), max sat: 9600 ( 0.157199 ), sat diff: 128, 
     -- Iteration: 18  trying sat: 9536
         min sat: 9472 ( 0.160488 ), max sat: 9536 ( 0.159131 ), sat diff: 64, 
     -- Iteration: 19  trying sat: 9504
         min sat: 9472 ( 0.160488 ), max sat: 9504 ( 0.159604 ), sat diff: 32, 
     -- Iteration: 20  trying sat: 9488
         min sat: 9472 ( 0.160488 ), max sat: 9488 ( 0.159903 ), sat diff: 16, 
     -- Iteration: 21  trying sat: 9480
         min sat: 9480 ( 0.160034 ), max sat: 9488 ( 0.159903 ), sat diff: 8, 
     -- Iteration: 22  trying sat: 9484
         min sat: 9484 ( 0.160123 ), max sat: 9488 ( 0.159903 ), sat diff: 4, 
     -- Iteration: 23  trying sat: 9486
         min sat: 9484 ( 0.160123 ), max sat: 9486 ( 0.159831 ), sat diff: 2, 
     -- Iteration: 24  trying sat: 9485
         min sat: 9484 ( 0.160123 ), max sat: 9485 ( 0.159908 ), sat diff: 1, 
     -- Iteration: 25  trying sat: 9484.5
   - final SAT: 9485 ( it: 25 , weight check 0.159908 <= 0.16 )

   - computing centroids
   - computing initial transform
     -- using translation info
   - Get Gaussian Pyramid Limits ( min size: 16 max size: -1 )
   - initial transform:
Ti = [ ...
 1.0000000000000                0                0 -2.0251428914711
               0  1.0000000000000                0 6.0311902437196
               0                0  1.0000000000000 2.8105113695639
               0                0                0 1.0000000000000  ]

   - initial iscale:  Ii =1

Resolution: 3  S( 22 32 32 )  T( 22 32 32 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 2.97694
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0903233
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0191757
 Iteration(f): 4
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0116139
 Iteration(f): 5
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.00140989  <= 0.01 :-)

Resolution: 2  S( 44 64 64 )  T( 44 64 64 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.81202
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.199033
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.00925469  <= 0.01 :-)

Resolution: 1  S( 88 128 128 )  T( 88 128 128 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 1.02247
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0229168
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.000719712  <= 0.01   :-)

Resolution: 0  S( 176 256 256 )  T( 176 256 256 )
 Iteration(f): 1
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.664624
 Iteration(f): 2
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.0108463
 Iteration(f): 3
     -- diff. to prev. transform: 0.000585613  <= 0.01   :-)

   - final transform:
Tf = [ ...
 0.9994709868827 -0.0113151175724 -0.0304912199489 4.8530791096303
 0.0126622658755  0.9989355014916  0.0443568583483 2.1370162587100
 0.0299568590234 -0.0447194809223  0.9985503265352 5.4716006804225
               0                0                0 1.0000000000000  ]

   - final iscale:  If = 1
CentroidT = [ 86.5860705940972 104.6067830299094 138.6676688710562  
1.0000000000000  ]

CentroidSinT = [ 88.1595712077722 107.7558909090270 139.3780739549505  
1.0000000000000  ]

Centroid = [ 87.3728209009347 106.1813369694682 139.0228714130033  
1.0000000000000  ]

 MyMatrix::RotationMean input(s) not rotation
meant = [ -1.2248131651588  1.2892456671960 3.1420193014715  ]

Input rotation's max deviation from rotation is: 0.000393411

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