External Email - Use Caution        

The wiki information may be out of date.  Having multiple versions of 
freesurfer installed on your system may cause running an application bundle 
like freeview.app to crash if the system is confused about which version of 
freesurfer is installed.  So I would avoid having multiple releases of 
freesurfer on your system.

If you expanded the tar archive instead of doing an actual installation with 
the .pkg installer, then I would drag your ./freesurfer subdir(s) to the trash, 
empty the trash, and then check no freesurfer distributions remain on your 
system.  Then try installing the version of freesurfer you need by 
downloading its .pkg file, double clicking on it, and following the menus.

The installer .pkg puts an uninstall script as,
/Applications/freesurfer/<release number>/uninstall.sh
- into each freesurfer release.  Running that uninstaller is the most 
reliable way to tell the system that freesurfer distribution (and Freeview.app) 
have been uninstalled.

There's no need to add a license file to each freesurfer distribution.  
You can keep your license file in one place, e.g., your home directory where 
you login to.  Then in your environment set FS_LICENSE to the path of your 
license.txt file.  If it's in your home directory, then you would do
$ export FS_LICENSE=$HOME/license.txt

If you add the setting for FS_LICENSE to your shell initialization file, then 
it will be defined every time you open a terminal window.  Your license 
file will be found in that central location no matter what freesurfer release 
is installed.

- R.

On Aug 10, 2022, at 23:54, Miriam Taza <miriam.t...@mail.mcgill.ca> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hi,I recently installed 
the new FS on my mac. I renamed my old "freesurfer" folder as instructed on the 
wiki. However now freeview crashes. it opens but when i try to load volume 
it crashes. Below you will find the report. (this happens if I use either the 
old freeview or new freeview).i also got a new license and put it in freesurfer 
directory. I also moved to trash then deleted the old fs but still get the 
error. ​
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