Dear Freesurfer team,
I have a more general question about how best to approach multiple comparison 
correction for a large dataset where permutations are not viable and where 
fsaverage resolution is too high. I've fitted a GLM with mri_fitglm in the 
fsaverage5 space, which results in smaller files and quicker compute times. 
Next, I've attempted to create MC simulations for fsaverage5 (following, but am 
running into errors from mri_mcsim:
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)
mri_mcsim works fine on subject bert, however.
I am aware that others also had this problem with fsaverage5:
Could you please advise on the best way to run MC correction with large-scale 
data (30k+ subjects)?
Thank you for your help,
Best wishes,

PS Please find the full mri_mcsim output here:
 mri_mcsim --o ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex --base mc-z --surface 
fsaverage5 lh --nreps 5000 --fwhm 10

cwd /<path>/fsaverage5/surf
cmdline mri_mcsim --o ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex --base mc-z 
--surface fsaverage5 lh --nreps 5000 --fwhm 10
sysname  Linux
machine  x86_64
user     pzhukovsky
OutTop  ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex
CSDBase  mc-z
nreps    5000
fwhmmax  30
subject  fsaverage5
hemi     lh
surfname white
FixVertexAreaFlag 1
UseAvgVtxArea 0
SaveFile ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex/
StopFile ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex/mri_mcsim.stop
UFSS (null)
Creating ./mult-comp-cor/fsaverage5/lh/cortex
Loading /<path>/data/fsaverage5/surf/lh.white
group_avg_surface_area 84969.3
group_avg_vtxarea_loaded 1
Loading label file cortex
Loading /<path>/data/fsaverage5/label/lh.cortex.label
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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