External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Jabeur,
Please check your setup.  When the VM is first setup and run, there should 
be no library errors from freeview.  You can test this with the following 
developer@developer-VirtualBox:~$ cd $HOMEdeveloper@developer-VirtualBox:~$ 
pwd/home/developerdeveloper@developer-VirtualBox:~$ which 
 ldd `which freeview` | grep "not 
found"developer@developer-VirtualBox:~$ If you still see a library 
reported as not found then something happened with your environment and/or how 
freesurfer is now setup to cause the error.  In that case, I recommend you 
delete the current FS_7_2_0_ubuntu_18_04_06 virtual machine from the VirtualBox 
client (choose to delete the files), setup the VM again, and when you first 
login check freeview again with the above commands.
When you want to process your own subject data we recommend you create a new 
directory in your home directory and set the environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR 
to point to it.  The install of freesurfer including the provided subject 
data is meant for reference and the files are in a protected system directory. 
 So it’s preferable to not modify and/or write files to where SUBJECTS_DIR 
points to out of the box.  Instead, just create a new directory for 
processing subjects with, e.g.,

developer@developer-VirtualBox:~$ cd $HOMEdeveloper@developer-VirtualBox:~$ 
mkdir my_subjectsdeveloper@developer-VirtualBox:~$ export 
- and put your subject data to process in $HOME/my_subjects
- R.
On May 5, 2022, at 19:14, Jabeur Mouna <jabeurmo...@gmail.com> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        <image.png>_______________________________________________Freesurfer
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