External Email - Use Caution        

Has anyone ever downloaded ADNI dataset for AD diagnosis?
Please let me know.

Rahul Sharma
Research Scholar

*"Manners Maketh Man"*

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 4:03 PM Joana Braga Pereira <jbragapere...@gmail.com>

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear all,
> We are looking for a Postdoc to work in an interdisciplinary and
> internationally competitive environment at Karolinska Institute, one of the
> top medical universities in the world and the home for the Nobel Prize in
> Medicine.
> We combine imaging analyses, statistical tools, machine learning
> algorithms, biofluid assays and genetics to study brain aging and the
> earliest signs of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
> This project will be carried out under the supervision of Associate
> Professor Joana B. Pereira and it will involve analyzing cross-sectional
> and longitudinal imaging data, combining clinical measures and
> cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, as well as writing manuscripts and
> presenting results in international conferences. The fellow is expected to
> be independent, develop his or her own projects, supervise students and
> show an interest in approaches based on graph theory. In addition, he/she
> will have the opportunity to develop new skills, analyze large datasets,
> apply for grants and develop a wide network of collaborations.
> The ideal candidate should have the following qualities:
> - A PhD in neuroimaging, computational science, neuropsychology, physics,
> statistics or a related field;
> - Experience in statistical techniques, programming, or scripting;
> - Experience with structural MRI, DTI, fMRI or PET imaging analyses;
> - Clinical or research experience with aging and/or neurodegenerative
> disorders.
> - Excellent record of scientific publications.
> The Postdoctoral studies will be performed for 1 year, with possible
> extension for an additional year.
> To apply please go to: *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt
> from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be*
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/14YUkglXL3izKHflGIdSlGrCAkalSXdDaO9_VgY6UW5UgqAMnvho_SwRCfQ-j4gFv1e3pQH-6Uccy5v4e3F5WclmQ_9slAmTEn7Wl2yNTZtOURWi8ttr1WN7eqY9kViEnIWKoR00soaqspF2HOz-GM-TKsv4oVWjAGiOobNTJu-djz0r50Fp13IwOtanXJr8QyLVU5oaAmjrBt0OahpGV4st9nqxbYq4n_9Ak2WemvAs4g1kb4c5x27zmefhUQj5YgHyixfUrSghYx8BwZIIiUAmkDCIGb--Gx_YD-guWc9jX-vjGZdmWa1qM5FZ4zdZ9/https%3A%2F%2Fki.varbi.com%2Fen%2Fwhat%3Ajob%2FjobID%3A489190%2F
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1lGmYDnqrB8InOhPbhc1aYem0QIfJPgYzRBVVVBCumHdzZkZ8zQux8NMwveUIM3KzBX6js2iYbUb2IHiWtBXNCqVaTok8vuBg1MdC51t0QV_qMD8Up426URWVjwgXqjYC6Sl3eVXkJNmXyPDDZGw01dH7lFCiVtAl2GJsBsAAHD0Ah7bj4FTvhUVc9tVX_KPTjRYZpbbByRnYRT5zMYeV8sPXcumCGT9swVO9o7zX_z5iV1QMzI_3ixA5pJdLBl3kBBin1FjP_o6KDbe0qdUWWqrFxOejxF5hzKF8KFT6f9MSn5Tq8SwiFT_YxF8j0VBS8y0latgVAglGFg2BKiEOew/https%3A%2F%2Fki.varbi.com%2Fen%2Fwhat%3Ajob%2FjobID%3A489190%2F>
> (Deadline: 29/04/2022)
> For further information or general inquires, please contact Joana B.
> Pereira at jbragapere...@gmail.com or joana.pere...@ki.se.
> Best wishes,
> Joana
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