External Email - Use Caution        

*[Given that most registered trainees are from Europe, the training time
was moved to Europe friendly time zone]*

The human brain is one of the most complex network systems in the universe,
consisting of about 1011 neurons and about 1015 connections. Since the
human brain is a highly integrated and cooperating complex system, studying
the functional integration between different brain regions is crucial for
understanding the information interaction between brain regions and the
coordination between brain networks. In order to facilitate brain network
research, Dr. Chao-Gan Yan’s team (The R-fMRI Lab
 developed a free and open source software
DPABINet. DPABINet V1.1 has been released with DPABI
 V6.1, which can construct brain network, calculate
graph theory indices, perform statistical analyses and present brain
network images.

In addition, to better construct the brain network, we recommend using
 for surface based preprocessing.
DPABISurf is a surface-based resting-state fMRI data analysis toolbox
evolved from DPABI/DPARSF, as easy-to-use as DPABI/DPARSF. DPABISurf is
based on fMRIPrep, FreeSurfer, ANTs, FSL, AFNI, SPM, dcm2niix, PALM, GNU
Parallel, Docker and DPABI. DPABISurf provides user-friendly graphical user
interface (GUI) for pipeline surface-based preprocessing, statistical
analyses and results viewing, while requiring no programming/scripting
skills from the users.

The use of DPABINet and DPABISurf is as simple as DPABI software, but
hands-on practical training can make users proficient in DPABINet brain
network analysis in the most correct and effective way. As there was no
online English video course for DPABINet yet, here we are launching the
DPABINet Brain Network online Training Camp (April 18th ~ 22nd, 2022, the
teaching language is English).

This DPABINet Brain Network online Training Camp
 is lectured by Dr. Chao-Gan Yan, and is
aimed at researchers and students in the fields of psychology, cognitive
neuroscience, biomedical engineering, clinical medicine, etc. Because this
training camp requires basic knowledge of brain imaging, we encourage the
trainees first learn The R-fMRI Course 
available at 
 In the training camp, trainees will
first study DPABISurf for cortical reconstruction and data preprocessing,
and then systematically learn brain network research, from the basic
concepts of brain network to operations of DAPBINet software. More
importantly, trainees are encouraged to come to study with their own
projects and data, conduct in-depth research project discussions with the
lecturer, process data with research questions, receive hands-on systematic
scientific research training, get results and scientific interpretation for

We sincerely welcome your participation in this training camp and look
forward to seeing you online!

1. Time: April 18th ~ 22nd, 2022

2. Language: English

3. Place: Online Camp

This training camp is held in the form of cloud-based online small classes.
Lectures and discussions will be held in the cloud conference Zoom room.
One-on-one error-checking counseling by teaching assistants will also be
held in the cloud small conference room. For trainees with insufficient
local computing power, the cloud server will be opened for data processing

4. Lecturer

Chao-Gan YAN, Ph.D. 

Dr. Chao-Gan Yan is a professor at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (IPCAS). He is the Director of the Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Research Center, the Director of International Big-Data Center for
Depression Research, and the Principal Investigator of The R-fMRI Lab
located at IPCAS. Before he joined the IPCAS in 2015, he worked as a
Research Scientist at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
and a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine. Dr. Yan
received his Ph.D. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from State Key
Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at Beijing Normal
University in 2011. His research mainly focuses on the resting-state fMRI
(R-fMRI) computational methodology, mechanisms of spontaneous brain
activity, and their applications in depression. He has addressed
fundamental methodological issues (e.g., impact of head motion (ESI Top 1‰
of highly cited papers), standardization (ESI Top 1% of highly cited
papers) and multiple comparison correction (ESI Top 1% of highly cited
papers)) on the study of resting-state functional connectomics. He has also
developed data processing and analysis toolbox for R-fMRI, DPABI (ESI Top
1‰ of highly cited papers) and DPARSF, with the latter has been cited over
2000 times. He initiated a Chinese consortium for big data of brain imaging
of depression (REST-meta-MDD), performed big data study of depression
neuroimaging (PNAS 2019, ESI Top 1% of highly cited papers), and studied
the brain mechanisms of depression through a longitudinal study of animal
model. He has published 70+ peer-reviewed articles (30+ as first or
corresponding author) in prestigious journals including *PNAS, Molecular
Psychiatry, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping*. His work has been widely
cited in the scientific community (total citations > 14000,
 achieving an
h-index of 37. Six of his first-author/corresponding author papers ranked
as ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Papers, 2 of which were ESI Top 1‰. He has been
ranked as 2019 and 2020 most cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier. He was
awarded the 2021 Early Career Investigator Award by The Organization for
Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). Additionally, he currently serves as associate
editor for *Neuroimage: Reports* and servers in the editorial boards of
*NeuroImage* and *Journal of Neuroscience Methods*.

5. Schedule

(Of note: the schedule is not optimized for the American time zone, we may
launch another training camp optimized for the American time zone depending
on the needs.)



April 18th, 2022

Beijing: 14:30H~17:30H

Rome: 08:30H~11:30H

London: 07:30H~10:30H

New York: 02:30H~05:30H

Camp Opening Ceremony

Brain Network: Current Research and Methodological Issues

Brain Network:


Brain Network: Innovation Points

April 19th, 2022

Beijing: 14:30H~17:30H

Rome: 08:30H~11:30H

London: 07:30H~10:30H

New York: 02:30H~05:30H

Introduction of Trainees and Projects

Surface-Based Brain Imaging Analysis and DPABISurf

Data Processing with DPABISurf

Software Installation and Practice

April 20th, 2022

Beijing: 14:30H~17:30H

Rome: 08:30H~11:30H

London: 07:30H~10:30H

New York: 02:30H~05:30H

DPABINet: Network Construction

DPABINet: Statistical Analysis and Results Viewing

DPABINet: Practice

April 21st, 2022

Beijing: 14:30H~17:30H

Rome: 08:30H~11:30H

London: 07:30H~10:30H

New York: 02:30H~05:30H

Graph Theoretical Analysis: Current Research and Methodological Issues

Graph Theoretical Analysis: Applications

DPABINet for Graph Theoretical Analysis

Graph Theoretical Analysis: Practice

April 22nd, 2022

Beijing: 14:30H~17:30H

Rome: 08:30H~11:30H

London: 07:30H~10:30H

New York: 02:30H~05:30H

Brain Network Analysis: Example of Rumination

DPABINet: Utilities


Camp Summary

6. Enroll

Please visit 
 for more details.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Yan’s team (The R-fMRI Lab)
at rfmrilab#gmail.com <rfmri...@gmail.com>.


Chao-Gan YAN, Ph.D.
Professor, Principal Investigator
Director, International Big-Data Center for Depression Research
Director, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Center
Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
 and The R-fMRI Network 
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