You don't need to go that far. You can run mris_annotoical_stats. Look in recon-all.log to find the command line used to create the ?h.aparc.annot and just change the annot and output file
On 2/22/2022 10:02 AM, Jacoby, John wrote:
Hi all,
We were sent a FreeSurfer annotation file that denotes some ROIs we're 
interested in. What's the proper way to map this annotation to the 
cortical ribbon volume and get an estimate of that volume for each 
ROI? I've already registered the annotations to the subject from 
fsaverage space using mri_surf2surf. I'm thinking something like:
mri_label2vol --annot {registered_annotation_file} --temp 
{$SUBJECT/mri/orig.mgz} --o {output_volume_segmentation_file} 
--subject {$SUBJECT} --hemi {lh,rh} --identity --proj frac 0 1 0.01
And then run mri_segstats on the output_volume_segmentation_file

This seems to do what I need, but I want to confirm that I'm not missing import details. I'm also not entirely sure what the 'delta' parameter of the --proj flag is doing. I gather that it's some kind of step size, but will it have a big impact on the resulting ribbon volume?
Thanks for any help!


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