Not sure about #1 and #2, and #4 depends on those. For #3, the age Variable will regress out age. The time diff variable will regress out the effect of duration.

On 1/21/2022 8:19 PM, Zeng, Qi wrote:

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I got a couple of questions regarding group analysis of tracula with a longitudinal pipeline, freeview output heatmap key, and pair analysis's fsgd & correction analysis.

1). I followed FsTutorial/TraculaStatistics - Free Surfer Wiki ( <> to conduct a GLM group analysis for tracula results. But for the first step, should I conduct a long_mris_slopes to get the rate of change just as surface-based analysis for a longitudinal pipeline?

2). I tried freeview my sig.mgh results both for positive and negative for my surface group analysis, is there a heatmap key I can put into the image or available to export?

3). I created the FSDG file for pair analysis as follows to indicate both the same and difference within the pair subject to hope to regress out the effect of age at baseline and time_diff between subjects, is that the correct way of formatting? and also how to create the subject name here if my previous FSDG is sub01_ses-1.long.sub01_base and sub01_ses-2.long.sub01_base for the subject name.
> GroupDescriptorFile 1
> Class Main
> Variables Age_bl Time_diff
> Input sub01pair   Main 30  7.1
> Input sub02pair   Main 40  2.2
> Input sub03pair   Main 50  3.7
> Input sub04pair   Main 60  0.7
4). Even not indicated in the pair analysis page, a cluster correction "mri_glmfit-sim" is also necessary for the last step, right?
Thank you so much!

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