External Email - Use Caution Dear Douglas,
Thanks so much for your answer. Could you check if the following commands to perform ROI analysis with GLM are correct? 1. Create the table with the volumes of the hippocampal segmentation (1 command for each hemisphere - only replace lh with rh): asegstats2table --statsfile hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.stats --fsgd CU_CI.fsgd \ --meas volume \ --all-segs \ --tablefile hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.CU_CI.dat 2. GLM Analysis – DODS (1 command for each hemisphere - only replace lh with rh): mri_glmfit \ --table hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.CU_CI.dat \ --fsgd CU_CI.fsgd dods \ --C group.diff.CU_CI.mtx \ --glmdir hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.CU_CI.glmdir 3. Correction for multiple comparisons – FDR: mri_fdr --fdr .05 --pos --thfile --i contrast/lh.sig.mgh lh.mask.mgh hipposubfields.lh.T1.v21.CU_CI.mgh --no-log10p --i contrast/rh.sig.mgh rh.mask.mgh hipposubfields.rh.T1.v21.CU_CI.mgh --no-log10p Are these commands correct? Another question, in this type of analysis is image smoothing common? Like was done here https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ZjmO80yeIcvew54e44mv0-Yzru83V18CRkiga2XGIlA0lmwg1vTGP1IFtj-SI2cxr6HJT2OD1NE1-aVuNjXPzfnjShkA6D-FEcxTUZvXYqOAy-9m4ihOgNcn1m1skp3hfPs_j8-UyDKzDzIhm9kwKoy_BzDO5-zdOCE6OXtzwDyibP3EzHsojGYEXTglDuEGRgqCv_ptjd93FD7BbN07s-TQIciz4Ndi4Gk66AU7gbpLoUn1iFHNbnwgHoNh_acKuYChhc0RTM7_RPIDaIkmVu2haA1zRBgfHB1Fr6bdAXQpCkGDFh7sgrtyQF4hupNU7WmfFUBOL9v4xMSMfnnoMg/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Ffreesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmsg52203.html Thank you so much again! Best regards, Laura Willers de Souza Master Student in Biochemistry Zimmer Lab - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil
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