In your mkanalysis command, why are you specifying the mask and the
funcstem? These are tricky options to get right ...
On 11/29/2021 9:50 AM, Hiersche, Kelly J. wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
First, I am new to using Freesurfer, so I apologize if any information
is unclear.
I am attempting to use the following tutorial *MailScanner has
detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming
to be*
<> to
do a surface based GLM in an individual subject (using my own data,
not the tutorial data), but I am getting the following error:
Error using MRIread (line 76)
ERROR: cannot determine format of
I am getting that error because the fmcpr.brainmask.fsaverage.lh does
not exist. To fix this error, I re-ran preprocessing using the
following tutorial: *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt
from "" claiming to be*
After preprocessing, I still got the same error.
*Here are the files that do exist in that path:
*subnum/bold/run-num/masks* *
brain.fsaverage.lh.nii.gz brain.fsaverage.rh.nii.gz
brain.mni305.2mm.nii.gz brain.nii.gz
*There are some fmcpr files in this folder: subnum/bold/run-num*
fmcpr.brainmask.norm.2x2x2.nii.gz fmcpr.mcdat fmcpr.norm.nii.gz
fmcpr.brainmask.normtmp.2x2x2.nii.gz fmcpr.nii.gz
fmcpr.sm0.norm.nii.gz fmcpr.sm5.mni305.2mm.nii.gz
fmcpr.mat.aff12.1D fmcpr.nii.gz.mclog fmcpr.sm5.fsaverage.lh.nii.gz
*Here are the commands I am running:*
*mkanalysis-sess*-fsd bold -rlf $analysis_stem-$run_set.rlf -surface
fsaverage $hemi -event-related -paradigm $PARA_NAME -refeventdur 18
-nconditions $nconditions -mask $func_stem.brainmask -gammafit 2.25
1.25 -nuisreg mcprextreg 6 -TR 1.0000 -polyfit 1 -analysis
$analysis_stem-$run_set-$func_stem-$tpe.sm5.$hemi.$REG_STEM -tpexclude
$tpe$TPE_STEM -funcstem $$kernel$REG_STEM -per-run
$analysis_stem-$run_set-$func_stem-$tpe.sm5.$hemi.$REG_STEM -contrast
Con1-Con2 -a 1 -c 2
*preproc-sess*-fsd bold -rlf $analysis_stem-$run_set.rlf -surface
fsaverage lhrh -mni305 -fwhm 5 -per-run
1. I am running freesurfer through matlab on the Ohio Supercomputer;
Thank you for all your troubleshooting help!
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