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I just wanted to briefly follow up on this issue. Do you have any advice or 
suggestions for finding out why I am only receiving unrelated changes to 
volumes after re-running recon-all? 


> On Oct 1, 2021, at 11:02 AM, Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> The first thing to do is to re-run you data using different subject 
> names so that you have an unedited version. You can then use mri_diff, eg,
> mri_diff unedited/mri/wm.mgz edited/mri/wm.mgz
> to determine if there is a differenece that you are just not seeing
>> On 9/27/2021 7:16 PM, Kevin Miller wrote:
>>         External Email - Use Caution
>> Hi,
>> I am new to recon-all and Freesurfer and I am having some difficulty 
>> tracking down the resulting outputs from when I re-run recon-all or they are 
>> not taking hold. So far I have edited two subjects after the initial run by 
>> lowering the ws height for the skullstrip in one and by adding white matter 
>> voxels by in the other. I followed all the tutorial instructions for both, 
>> starting with the edits and including the appropriate recon-all commands, 
>> which supposedly finished without error. However, after viewing the new 
>> volumes that were overwritten the day they were run, neither seem to have 
>> changed. For the wm.mgz, even, the wm voxel edits still exist as though 
>> recon-all did not run. If anyone has any tips for finding the proper outputs 
>> or what I might be doing incorrectly, I would greatly appreciate any advice.
>> Thanks
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