External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Elmira,
You could try what’s listed in this posting to the freesurfer mailing 
list, https://secure-web.cisco.com/1yVVItJGPCMsg_Uo7pKlIPolFCr3sddKv2M4Bz11qJcYPkNG-Zo1a8pJRY7W7oUWfm7-SDxCqUf6EZNcF5gBISdL0FoGVfaqsCpI9wXnglEIgd9stOLvh-ORsr7mwVvpsk_at2-iTHKwQ5uCclHmfwAUe2_uUS0AqwPgPnKtWbqQvcGPDrBjqWACc9KxShLm7fAX4dUgpKcPbf0MYGanEgq_l74Oe4nN57lrop1NO2W92NHrCvdjELVmDxGNBKkdvMkJUXmCz5Oy77xDJLRSylQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Ffreesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmaillist.html,
 from last 
month, https://secure-web.cisco.com/16vjmYxwj3UHolWzWQNnuKrRjPTQ2HGAuwjzXib2AW-uCiUntTxDRNp7wSGtK5K0KsdjKx9Jb9epTJniaVzBxUWweHvn33EqV0aKIX7cnJnGqM84FFuXsqOuLYWYChWnx18nlSF6urY1VND9g-EmLbQufnYfvOM9WG95sP0WU2KOFEbtvafkpBNAhZiZkAZdk3qkvNQ-s1Nf6nZ6YCdzBX1oOQ9TAIr700rvL0c8hvJeMmFeRoKYoEq-Nwti-5EITTK8Ycy4laFuzlUnGTUI8-w/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Ffreesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fmsg70979.html.
  I’ve copied it below as well.
I can’t see from your crash report if you installed the latest 7.2.0 release 
(via the 
installer https://secure-web.cisco.com/1cB--DH4LZwahHKKs6NmxADJ9piuaNSjpiHgiDekH0O1C7OgBDfXd_HLa8ZhnCVTC8I3MvwX8zP13SnieGNLlc8d6RNOKzBNv2Zc3E33TMIHohc3QJmum4KQSfcTTQt8yQcF2x8F9PTYpVfucT2A-NFrUgufU_1juF-j1T2Lazz5d8QXB2p_oXmbt-0PbvhRv84as0vxpCKEzy58cAW6icgZNA0liXOe-YQGUo0uqv3-PDgMj0imiPH8kjgI0wfBJa_DkrUhcsjVeh6H_K99INg/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fpub%2Fdist%2Ffreesurfer%2F7.2.0%2Ffreesurfer-darwin-macOS-7.2.0.pkg_%29.%26nbsp;
 But if you are not running the latest release, then I would also give that a 
- R.

On Oct 2, 2021, at 20:35, Elmira Hassanzadeh <elm...@gmail.com> 
wrote:Hello FreeSurfer Developers,I installed freesurfer for the 
first time on my system but although the installation went smoothly I 
cannot open freeview. Here is the error I receive on terminal (the full 
log at the end of this message)9800 Segmentation fault: 
11  $FREESURFER_HOME/Freeview.app/Contents/MacOS/freeview "$@"

Begin forwarded message:Subject: [Freesurfer] Notes on running freesurfer 
on MacOS (including M1 Macs running MacOS BigSur 11.6)Date: September 22, 
2021 at 21:15:35 EDT
To: freesur...@nmr.mgh.harvard.eduThere have been various postings to the 
freesurfer mail list about issues running freesurfer on MacOS including M1 
Macs.  The information below may help with running freesurfer (Intel) 
binaries on MacOS including M1 Macs running BigSur (MacOS 11.6).APPLICATION 
SANDBOXINGThe privacy and security features introduced with macOS Mojave 
(10.14.X) and subsequently expanded in MacOS Catalina (10.15.X) and BigSur 
(11.X) means that after installation, binaries and applications are by default 
“sandboxed” and not allowed access to the disk, networked volumes, etc.. - 
unless they are given permission.  Permission should only need to be 
granted once, but this can be cumbersome if many binaries each need permission 
to run (compared to a single *.app application bundle).The System Preferences 
GUI can be used to grant disk access to an individual application (bundle):     
  • Open System Preferences  • Click the Security & 
Privacy tab        • Click the Privacy tab       • On the left 
hand side menu scroll to and select Full Disk Access    • Click on 
the (Locked) padlock in the lower left hand corner and enter your 
password to unlock it    • Click the + button under the list of 
applications in the right hand side menu; navigate using the Finder to the 
application you want to grant full disk access to; select it; hit the open 
button           - OR - it may just work to 
directly drag the application from a Finder window into the right hand side 
menu  • Make sure the box is checked next to the application you 
added        • Click on the padlock icon to lock 
out changesThe next time you launch the application, it should have full disk 
access.So for example you could do the above for the freeview application 
installed by the freesurfer 7.2.0 Mac installer package 
as /Applications/freesurfer/7.2.0/Freeview.appSince the binaries and 
scripts located under /Applications/freesurfer/7.2.0/bin are usually run from 
the command line using the terminal application, then one option is to grant 
full disk access to the terminal application.  If you are comfortable with 
the security risk this poses, then you can use the steps above to navigate to 
and add /System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app to the list of 
applications with full disk access.FREESURFER LICENSE FILEThe format of older 
freesurfer license files may cause a runtime error, e.g., segfault on MacOS. 
 Getting a new license file 
from https://secure-web.cisco.com/1av48oNjCEWiUav-Caf0a-qMQEIPDIIn17u3eKx8y-Sgs6auOgpZlxx5ZqvDyTgW6_Q2XvUN-xGpJbBT3yFXHkemIrbyyFfcconZmtNQcbT3xfc4t2_6e_8xp7X-i1drjo_iMqeOE0NPO6g3iVVI0gBV9Aeg_d6YvfJ344y755kYalmTDj8zxF0YRO7hMJO25lAOS8_fpIH-zEbK_lfbfWLKMnt_UgZzeYYy2kVlDlXbpBYb2FPY7Isckwn3W-BSnWoffw9-4l1O6-KbdoehuNw/https%3A%2F%2Fsurfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%2Fregistration.html%C2%A0will
 prevent this error.You can set the environment variable FS_LICENSE to set the 
path to the license file.  For example, if you set that path to be 
$HOME/license.txt, then there is no need to use sudo/admin privileges to place 
a license file in an installed freesurfer distribution under /Applications.… 
assume you downloaded license.txt to your Downloads folder …$ cd $HOME$ 
pwd/Users/myuid$ cp -p -f  ~/Downloads/license.txt .$ export 
FS_LICENSE=$HOME/license.txt   <— add appropriate export to your shell 
init file for whatever shell you set the Terminal.app to runMATLAB INSTALLATION 
ON M1 MACSThe Freesurfer 7.2.0 distribution includes the 
script /Applications/freesurfer/7.2.0/bin/fs_install_mcr to install 
the Matlab R2014b run time environment.  While the 7.2.0 release was 
built and tested with R2014b, this release is too old to be supported on M1 
Macs and may cause run time errors.  This will be addressed in a future 
freesurfer release.RUNNING INTEL BINARIES ON M1 MACSThe Freesurfer 
distribution is currently Intel binary only.Apple provides the built-in 
Rosetta2 emulation environment to translate applications built for Intel 
(x86_64) to run on the the M1 hardware (arm64) in real-time.   Or the 
system detects "on the fly" if the binary is built for x86_64, and then 
automatically runs Rosetta2 to translate the x86_64 instructions to arm64 
instructions and runs them on the M1 chip.  The translation process may 
take longer for some binaries compared to others.On an M1 Mac, when you open 
the terminal window and see the shell prompt, you are by default running the 
arm64 version of zsh.  As soon as you give a command to launch/run an 
Intel binary, Rosetta2 kicks in with the translation process.While existing 
freesurfer bash scripts should run under zsh, it is always a safe bet to run 
the bash shell directly (which was the default shell in older versions of 
MacOS), e.g,$ bashThe default interactive shell is now zsh.To update your 
account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.For more details, please 
 reset the SHELL environment to reflect bash ...userid@developer-Mac:~> 
export SHELL=/bin/bashuserid@developer-Mac:~> echo $SHELL/bin/bashIf you 
prefer bash, it’s easier to set that as your default shell via the command line 
or via the GUI.. 
 See https://secure-web.cisco.com/1oLu13zgRriywPCM-aoCk7xWrEkSuYPaNNnEEum2CS-1VsPdfCccnkpn7KCwvJj0oiCy2a84uTD92aCIZSxURL8BCNS5aSXiKMVfF3LX6Et-g4HpYEHZuPFMuuLJyPdBg11qotcIOZ5wVZ6_Xg0JC3v41NlqGnbrP3PVVfT5eaZFXcwiuEcFPzn4yXvDXupn7PMhukBR7VIDJYfS0lltOUoWhfNp6jFoBohvhFmruw0fJzrL5Z5M87_8ooykS1cDG9Rv6lg1cJ48rFkCT-FrPUA/https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.apple.com%2Fen-us%2FHT208050%C2%A0%28e.g..,
 change /bin/zsh to /bin/bash).Users who only want to run Intel binaries 
sometimes go a step further.  Instead of running the arm64 version of 
“/bin/bash” (which allows for running both arm64 binaries and x86_64 binaries 
via Rosetta2 from the same parent shell), they instead directly run the Intel 
version of “/bin/bash” by invoking bash as,$ arch -x86_64 /bin/bashWhen 
running the x86_64 version of a shell then only Intel binaries can run as child 
processes.- R.._______________________________________________Freesurfer 
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