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We are trying to calculate the volume of grey matter of the significant
clusters within each region identified by our initial analyses. Is there a
procedure already written in matlab to accomplish this calculation?

Right now we've calculated the mean thickness across all subjects for each
vertex, and then averaged those thickness across each region (or across
each significant portion of a region). Then took the areas from the regions
(calculated through Freesurfer’s mri_surfcluster program, which for the
whole regions will obviously only get a single cluster, and total area of
that cluster) and multiplied them by the mean thicknesses to get total
area. It should be possible to do the same thing to get the significant

Does the above procedure seem like the most straightforward? Or does
freesurfer have a program to do this more efficiently?

Brigitte Pace, M.A.
Doctoral Student
Clinical Psychology, Health Emphasis
Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Yeshiva University
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
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