On 8/6/2021 6:35 PM, Zeng, Qi wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Freesurfer experts,

I've done running a longitudinal analysis pipeline for individuals in 3 groups. Now, I need to get prepared for QDEC group analysis. I cp all groups of individuals to the same directory and each subject contains one base and multiple long files. I want to run "-qcache" option for the prep. Got a couple of questions here? 1) I failed to run "recon-all -s 001 -qcache", said: "missing 001/surf/lh.thickness", so for a longitudinal run, should I run "recon-all -s 001_base -qcache" or 'recon-all -s 001_ses-1.long.001_base" instead?
Run it like this: recon-all -long cross-subject base-subject -qcache
2) Where will the output be stored for each individual?
in the surf folder
3) To run multiple qcache in parallel, will the following code generate the same outputs as that I run each individually: " find . -type d -name '*_base" -exec bash -c 'for i in "$@"; do recon-all -s "$i" -qcache; done".
Thank you so much!


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