I'm not sure what you mean by a QC rating. For white matter, the volume will depend upon the boundaries with both subcortical and cortical GM, so, in theory, you must check both. For eTIV, the value is computed from the talairach registration, not from a segmentation, so you'd have to check the registration. see https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Talairach_freeview

On 7/22/2021 5:49 AM, Stephanie K wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


Can you please clarify the following regarding the quality control of phenotypes?

How do we perform quality control for cerebral white matter volume derived using Freesurfer? Do we use the subcortical QC rating for this the same way as for accumbens (when there is manual inspection?). Also, is it correct that we do not use subcortical QC rating for estimated total intracranial volume as this is accurately measured?

Do we use cortical QC rating for all regional cortical measures but not the global measures (e.g. mean thickness/total surface area) as these are accurately parcellated?

Sorry for my very basic questions. I am using already processed data and only using the statistics for brain MRI data


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