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Hi Simon,

This could be an issue with the affine registration or the subsequent head
masking step in samseg, both of which have been upgraded/improved in the
development version.

Would you be able to try the dev version and see if this resolves the issue?

Many thanks,


On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 5:40 AM Simon Jones <sp...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear all
> I have tried using SAMSEG in 7.1.1 with 7T MP2RAGE sequence data which has
> an inv1, inv2 and a uni images and I can create a denoised image which has
> a more of a traditional T1-weighted appearance. I have got some good
> looking results combining the uni with the inv2 except for one issue. About
> 20% have a small hole or slit produced within the frontal lobe. It is like
> an echo of the frontal sinuses and seems to appear whichever image is
> input. For others, the hole is outside the brain. Is this just a feature?
> Thanks for your help
> Simon
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