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Dear Freesurfer team,

Sorry for posting this question but I have been trying different things and
nothing seems to work.

rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop $ recon-all -s sub-001_ses-BSL
-i sub-001_ses-BSL_T1w.nii -T2 sub-001_ses-BSL_T2w.nii -T2pial -all
*ERROR: cannot find sub-001_ses-BSL_T1w.nii*
Linux rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN 4.10.0-40-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP
Thu Nov 9 15:37:44 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s sub-001_ses-BSL exited with ERRORS at Fri 25 Jun 20:41:02 CEST

For more details, see the log file
To report a problem, see

rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop $ cd ARTICO
rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/ARTICO $ ls
sub-001_ses-BSL  sub-003_ses-BSL  sub-005_ses-BSL
sub-002_ses-BSL  sub-004_ses-BSL  sub-006_ses-BSL
rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/ARTICO $ cd sub-001_ses-BSL/
rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/ARTICO/sub-001_ses-BSL $ ls
sub-001_ses-BSL_T1w.nii  sub-001_ses-BSL_T2w.nii
rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/ARTICO/sub-001_ses-BSL $

If I trying to run recon-all inside the subject folder it tells me that
this subject has already been run and if that it is a new subject, I should
change the name of the folder and the files. I do it, and it keeps giving
me the same error.

I am out of ideas...
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