External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer team,

I am new to Freesurfer. I installed it on my WSL (ubuntu 18.04) following the 
instructions at: 
 I believe that the installation was successful because I get documentation 
whenever I type a function on the command line. I wanted to run recon-all on a 
T1 image using the following call:

$FREESURFER_HOME/bin/recon-all -s subx -i $t1_img -all

where $t1_img =  /mnt/c/Users/...../t1.nii.gz

Unfortunately I got the following error:

rca-config: Command not found.

I read a thread 
 addressing this topic and followed the suggested solution. I typed everything 
manually. I also ran the code directly from the console and from a bash script, 
both with the $t1_img variable and the original file path but the error 

I found this code 
 supposedly running recon-all and there is a line where the command 
"rca-config" is used. However, it seems to be not recognized even though the 
file is indeed located at $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/.

I would appreciate any sort of guidance.

Thank you,


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