Hi Diana,

If there are a lot of obvious holes in the surface topology, it might be worth 
doing some manual fixing of the white-matter segmentation. The tutorial at 
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/WhiteMatterEditsV6.0 walks 
through that process.


From: DIANA ORTEGA CRUZ <100315...@alumnos.uc3m.es>
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 3:32 AM
To: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>, Hoopes, Andrew 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all running on a loop

        External Email - Use Caution
Dear Andrew,

Thank you for your reply. I shared with you the recon-all.cmd file via Drive, 
since I could not upload it directly to the mail. I also copy here (down) the 
last lines in this file.

I checked the resulting volumes and surfaces up to that point and the 
smoothwm.nofix surfaces look like they have a lot of holes, which I understand 
could cause the error. I also run again recon-all for that subject without 
parallelizing as you advised, but the process was again stuck at the same step.

Do you think it would be possible to change anything in the original file or 
the recon-all configuration to fix this issue?

Thanks a lot for your help!!! Best,

#@# Fix Topology rh Tue May 18 04:37:48 UTC 2021
 mris_fix_topology -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -inflated inflated.nofix -orig 
orig.nofix -out orig.premesh -ga -seed 1234 NoUMA0233 rh
 mris_euler_number ../surf/lh.orig.premesh
 cp ../surf/lh.orig.nofix ../surf/lh.orig.premesh
 mris_euler_number ../surf/rh.orig.premesh
 cp ../surf/rh.orig.nofix ../surf/rh.orig.premesh
 cp ../surf/lh.qsphere.nofix ../surf/lh.qsphere
 cp ../surf/lh.smoothwm.nofix ../surf/lh.smoothwm
 mris_topo_fixer -orig_name orig.nofix -out_name orig.premesh -mgz -warnings 
-seed 1234 NoUMA0233 lh
 cp ../surf/rh.qsphere.nofix ../surf/rh.qsphere
 cp ../surf/rh.smoothwm.nofix ../surf/rh.smoothwm
 mris_topo_fixer -orig_name orig.nofix -out_name orig.premesh -mgz -warnings 
-seed 1234 NoUMA0233 rh

 mris_remesh --remesh --iters 3 --input 

 mris_remesh --remesh --iters 3 --input 

El mié, 26 may 2021 a las 1:59, Hoopes, Andrew 
(<ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:ahoo...@mgh.harvard.edu>>) escribió:
Hi Diana,

Can you send the recon-all.cmd file? Have you tried running without parallel 
processing enabled?


 on behalf of DIANA ORTEGA CRUZ 
Date: Friday, May 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
Subject: [Freesurfer] Recon-all running on a loop

        External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer team,

My name is Diana Ortega, I am a Neuroscience PhD student at Universidad 
Politécnica of Madrid. I run a job to compute recon-all in parallel for 30 
subjects remotely on a supercomputer at my research institution. This job 
finished due to timeout, and all subjects but one finished without errors. 
However, one of the subjects was not finished and it appears as if it was stuck 
on a loop. Its recon-all.log is constantly adding new lines (the file is 20GB 
in size), and from recon-all-status.log it appears to be stuck in the "Fix 
Topology" step. Have you ever encountered a similar situation? Would you know 
why this could have occurred?
Here are the details:

FreeSurfer version: 7.1.1-centos8_x86_64
Operative System: CentOS8
Hardware: Supercomputer - 68 nodes of Lenovo ThinkSystem 
Line run for that subject:
recon-all -subjid NoUMA0233 -i filepath.nii -all -qcache -parallel -openmp 16

When opening recon-all.log, it keeps adding the following lines:

Remesher::removeTria( 240873 )
Remesher::removeTria( 240876 )
 NEXTIDX : 88755
 Remesher::removeCollapsedTrias( 88755 , 120326 )
 v_to_t[vidx] :
 Trias are identical : ... removing ...

When opening the error.log of the complete job, there are several lines of this 

rm: No match.

Any advice will be of great help! Thanks a big lot!
Diana Ortega Cruz.
PhD Student
Laboratory for Clinical Neuroscience
Centro de Tecnología Biomédica - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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