External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Community,
I wish to manually reassign/edit cortical parcellation performed by FS.
We use the cortical parcellation done by FS and it has worked very well
for most of our subjects. However, we have two subjects where the
parcellation has not been done correctly. It seems that the central
sulcus has been mis-classified to be one sulcus too far posterior in the
brain - this has resulted in incorrect labeling of surrounding gyri.
Curiously, it is only one hemisphere for both subjects (rh for one and
lh for the other), where the other hemisphere is correctly parcellated.
In our two mis-parcellated subjects, how might we manually reassign or
guide FS to correctly classify the central sulcus and thus correctly
label the surrounding gyri?
I have attached a picture of an erroneous parcellation.
Freesurfer version: freesurfer-linux-centos6_x86_64-dev-20201011-4d2b06a
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Helena-Céline Stevelt
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance
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