On 5/24/2021 12:32 PM, Francisca Ferreira wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Experts,
I am new to FS. I'm trying to run mri_glm fit
I've created FSGD with 2 classes -responders vs non-responders to a
given intervention- and 3 variables to be regressed out-according age,
gender, laterality.
I've made my FSGD file is made in accordance with documented FS
directions. I've created the contrast vector in accordance to
Nregressors and it works out to be
1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
I add I'm using DODS to do this task.
the constructed command I used is this
mri_glmfit \--y lh_test.smoothed10FWHM.mgh \--fsgd newCH.fsgd dods\--C
groupdiff.mtx \--surf fsaverage lh\--cortex \--glmdir lh.test.glmdir
1) The first problem encountered is
INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done
I have tried to demean my data adding the flag --demean, which I found
in more than one forum, but i think this is an incorrect flag as it
didnt work anyway.
If you put
DeMeanFlag 1
into your FSGD file, then it will demean the regressors for you.
2) I have constructed my contrast vector also in accordance with FS
directions, in a text editor adding the extension .mtx
I'm getting this error
ERROR: gd2mtx method dods--C unrecoginzied.
Legal values are dods, doss, and none.
On the command line above, there are a bunch of back slashes ("\").
Remove those and replace them with spaces.
Help would be much appreciated.
F. Ferreira
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