External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer experts,

My goal is to compare the cortical thickness between three groups. For that
purpose, I performed whole brain analysis with a F-contrast to evaluate a
group effect. Since the F-test was significant, I performed pairwise
comparisons to evaluate the direction of these differences. However, I
noticed that some brain areas that are significant in one pairwise
comparison (that are consistent with our hypothesis) were not significant
in the F-test. I am a bit lost about how to proceed in this situation, can
I report significant results in the pairwise comparison that were not
previously significant in the F-contrast or do I need to perform the
pairwise comparisons by applying a mask to the brain areas where there were
significant results in the F-test?

Apologies for asking this simple question, I am a beginner in statistical
analysis with MRI data.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Freesurfer mailing list

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