If you have the data in the native functional space, then just
mri_vol2surf --mov func.nii --hemi rh --reg reg.lta --trgsubject fsaverage --projfrac 0.5 --o rh.func.fsa.mgz

On 4/19/2021 5:23 AM, Mason Wells wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi experts,

I have some fMRI data that I have pre-processed in Feat. I want to resample a single subject's data to the fs_average surface but unsure of the most optimal way of doing this. At present I am warping the functional data to the MNI brain in the volume (using FSL's applywarp) and then resampling to fs_average using the following command.

  * mri_vol2surf --src filtered_func_MNI.nii --out
    filtered_func_surf.mgh --hemi rh --mni152reg

My question is whether you think this is the most appropriate approach, and/or if there is way to move directly from native volume to fs_average surface without needing to go via MNI volume?

Best wishes,

*Mason T Wells, MSc*

*PhD student*

School of Optometry and Vision Sciences

& Cardiff University Brain Research

Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), School of Psychology

Cardiff University


CF24 4HQ


*/Email/*: wells...@cardiff.ac.uk <mailto:wells...@cardiff.ac.uk>

*/Tel/*: 02920 879628

/*Web*/: Cardiff University webpage <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1qGEoQnnU3besQKg-GQwdKq-WtCCzi1b5tl-HNLywYRQ48GHFhy2hNJxQfxY9t4vTe7V1-y5Gueo1-GHgls6xg6bCuHa7_Jm97SAxD4oOE1UzEYgt7j1TAqX1ySqfIvn8RozeJRSp-IFzu55FlX2sxTiuLxLWu0P4qA860qMdGbRyktdbz7B6M46-kYle2bYvPS1QR9PQNiqacvoErgAfRjfCdCy4DMcmKR4oB9wflZvX6HelaCoJDegiTXtqTXGM6biEq93kMOwFQdAsjxQytA/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cardiff.ac.uk%2Fpeople%2Fresearch-students%2Fview%2F974214->


*Mason T Wells, MSc*

*Myfyriwr PhD*

Yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau’r Golwg

& Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu’r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd (CUBRIC), Yr Ysgol Seicoleg

Prifysgol Caerdydd

Heol Maindy


CF24 4HQ


*/E-bost/*: wells...@caerdydd.ac.uk <mailto:wells...@caerdydd.ac.uk>

*/Ffôn/*: 02920 879628

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