External Email - Use Caution We are seeking a full-time postdoctoral fellow with experience in diffusion analysis with an emphasis on network-based approaches, NODDI, DKI, and tract-specific analysis. The NIH-funded project employs structural, diffusion, and relaxometry based MRI methods to target thalamo-cortical changes in morphometry, neural networks, and MRI-based markers of myelin in youths with perinatal brain injury.
We are seeking a candidate with the following qualifications: • Doctoral degree with 0-1 years of related work experience • Advanced skills in the processing and analysis of diffusion (including connectivity, DKI, and NODDI approaches) data, particularly focusing on network-based approaches are required • Experience with multicomponent T2 relaxometry • Strong coding skills in python, MATLAB, bash, etc. • Experience working with clinical pediatric populations would be preferred • Experience with psychophysical assessments of functional vision would be advantageous, but not necessary • Experience with fMRI design and analysis is a plus Interested candidates should send a cover letter including, a brief summary of their research interests and career goals, their C.V., and the names and phone numbers of three references to Corinna Bauer ( corinna_ba...@meei.harvard.edu). Additional details can be found at: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1suYTWqeXdTkzb6aG2C5Fq7YSTkFJR7uoBAOI8t8wYVZd8zkjakk1Jk8IPnDF8YcxfQ0XllRscGtS4ExHmdOKjhSM6LrmlIidjOxjdgzZt4ZUSwp0vkpWIEj3TkHUyMXJ54ttoj5qUWf1CxqTM4qksZXH_6syzY-RUrnZ6UWUkuyTwEcvzEkcujltI-Xxf183N5jWL98ASgZERDf-hoso3bjJKMHl_7LXWEi-Nz4yzQKDMLP8QcSQ6C-63sTmHa5NCY2BvaNkgmkJnvX1YSHDlA/https%3A%2F%2Fpartners.taleo.net%2Fcareersection%2Fmee%2Fjobdetail.ftl%3Fjob%3D3145087%26tz%3DGMT-05%253A00%26tzname%3DAmerica%252FNew_York
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