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Dear experts,

In addition to t and p-value, I would like to report the beta
coefficient of the fixed effects in the following regression equation
for the vertex showing the max statistic within the cluster that
survived multiple comparison correction:

y = β0 + β1*sex + β2*age + β3*(sex+age) + e

I know that beta.mgh contains the beta estimates corresponding to the
intercepts of male and female and the slopes of age for each sex.
However, what I need is the beta corresponding to the intercept (β0),
and the beta for the slope of sex (β1), age (β2) and sex*age
interaction (β3). I also
need the residual variance of the model (e), but rvar.mgh contains 4
values, 2 for the intercepts and another two for the slopes. I would
really appreciate if you could help me to obtain this information.

Thanks a lot in advance

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