The problem is that it expects there to be an aseg.presurf.mgz, but you
have turned the creation of it off. Because this is NHP?
On 1/15/2021 5:40 PM, Koch, Erin M. wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Thanks for your help. Indeed the list of commands you sent worked, so
I added the line you recommended to my xopts. This gets me beyond my
previous exit point, but now recon-all is exiting with a new error. I
will attach my recon-all log and terminal error. It seems recon-all
is trying to load an aseg file; however, I include in my call -noaseg
(and I tried adding -nosubcortseg).
Please let me know if you need anything else.
<> on behalf of Greve, Douglas
N.,Ph.D. <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 23, 2020 9:12 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all exiting with Errors during
surface inflation
There have been some changes that are breaking your stream. Try this
cd /mnt/data2/data/erink/cooked/2019/190124Jamie2/mri
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /mnt/data0/home/erink/subjects
mris_place_surface --adgws-in ../surf/ --wm
wm.mgz --threads 1 --invol brain.finalsurfs.mgz --lh --i
../surf/lh.orig --o ../surf/lh.white.preaparc --white --nsmooth 5
--no-rip-midline --no-rip-bg --no-rip-wmsa --no-rip-freeze --no-rip-lesion
If that works, then add this to your xopts file
WhitePreAparc --no-rip-midline --no-rip-bg --no-rip-wmsa
--no-rip-freeze --no-rip-lesion
On 12/14/2020 5:35 PM, Koch, Erin M. wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
The lab I work in recently upgrade to
from freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0, and I am
trying to use a series of shell scripts (that call freesurfer) which
we successfully used to run to create flatmaps for non-human primate
sessions. I am stuck when using recon-all to inflate the surface.
Specifically, I am running the command:
"recon-all -autorecon2-wm \
-subjid ${tmp_subj} ${corpcal_coord_string} ${pons_coord_string}\
-noaseg \
-mprage \
This step runs for quite some time, seemingly making progress and
then "Exits with errors" . In the terminal the error message that I
can see is: "ERROR: need seg for ripping". This is followed by:
"recon-all - s SUBJECTNAME exited with ERRORS." (Screen shot of this
error is attached). I will also attach the recon-all.log.
This issue does not seem to be a problem of quality of skull
stripping or white matter segmentation, as the session can be
completed with the older version of freesurfer, adn I get the same
error with different sessions and subjects. Can you please shed some
light on this? The machine I am using is running Linux
3.10.0-1127.18.2.e17.x86_64 .
As an aside - Do you have any references or outline for flat map
creation (specifically for non-human primates) with the newer
versions of Free surfer? It is possible adapting our old pipeline is
not ideal / there are more efficient or "better" ways to do this now.
Thank you for your help.
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