External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Ruopeng,

thanks for the reply. 
Actually, I’m not really interested in using AnatomiCuts, but since I tried it 
I wanted to signal the error. 
Concerning the embedded colors in FreeView, I was thinking they were value 
inserted as `data_per_streamlines` inside the .trk file, which is something 
possible. Also, by looking at the gif image of this tutoria 
 tutorial of AnatomiCuts it seems the embedded colors are intrinsic of the 
tracts loaded as .trk.



Pietro Astolfi
PhD student 
ICT school - University of Trento
NILab - Bruno Kessler Foundation
PAVIS - Italian Institute of Technology

> Il giorno 06 gen 2021, alle ore 18:24, Wang, Ruopeng <rwa...@mgh.harvard.edu> 
> ha scritto:
> Hi Pietro,
> I’m not familiar
> with AnatomiCuts so I can’t answer that part of your question. For 
> visualizing tracts, freeview can load .trk files generated by TrackVis/DTK. 
> They do not support embedded colors. It can also load tract volumes in 4D mgz 
> format, which do support embedded colors.
> Best,
> Ruopeng
>> On Jan 5, 2021, at 6:32 PM, Pietro Astolfi <pasto...@fbk.eu 
>> <mailto:pasto...@fbk.eu>> wrote:
>>         External Email - Use Caution        
>> Hi,
>> In the last days I searched for documentation about the use of embedded 
>> colors when visualizing tracts in freeview. I wasn’ t able to find any 
>> information online. 
>> I also tried to obtain a tract containing the embdedd colors information by 
>> using `dmri_AnatomiCuts` (both with fs 7.1.0 on OS X and dev version on 
>> Ubuntu ), but despite many trials I always got the same runtime error:
>> terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: Gak!
>> Abort trap: 6 
>> If anyone could help me it would be very appreciated,
>> Best,
>> Pietro
>> Pietro Astolfi
>> PhD student 
>> ICT school - University of Trento
>> NILab - Bruno Kessler Foundation
>> PAVIS - Italian Institute of Technology
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