External Email - Use Caution        

No problem, thanks!
So I shall send an email only to freesurfer or would it fine if I put you
in cc?

With regards

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 4:25 PM Diers, Kersten /DZNE <kersten.di...@dzne.de>

> Hi Vittal,
> Sorry, I can only help on the public freesurfer list, so I suggest moving
> the discussion back to there.
> Best,
> Kersten
> Am 27.11.2020 um 18:21 schrieb vittal korann <vittalkor...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Kersten
> Thank you for kind response.
> I think we need to talk about the design matrix X first (sorry, I did not
> look at your xlsx file; I think it's probably better to send simple csv
> files if at all).
> I attached longitudinal data in csv format.
> Besides the covariates that you mention, the matrix needs to contain an
> intercept, a variable for ?time?, a variable for ?group? (assuming you have
> a control group also), and a group-by-time interaction term in order to
> asses differential change over time (again, if you have a control group).
> I do not have a control group. Right now I have only schizophrenia
> patients who underwent 2 scans: first is baseline and second one is after 3
> months of yoga therapy. Wish to know the how can I proceed with my availabe
> data.
> Just to make sure: ?age? should be ?age at baseline? (i.e. constant across
> time per subject), otherwise it will be confounded with time.
> Yes, I used same across the study.
> Could you review (and possibly adapt) your design matrix X with respect to
> which columns it contains, and write it in the reply?
> I tried but couldn't get there.
> Looking forward to your response.
> Thanks,
> Vittal
> <longitudinal_data.csv>
> --
> Kersten Diers
> Image Analysis Group (AG Reuter)
> German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
> B.1.114 | Building 99 | Venusberg-Campus 1 | 53127 Bonn | Germany
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/17CxNooomAxq34c9Xe027kzVg8TPcPTffQaYq5Q3lzWgiMaBK-0ygMq9C_BNOEKSkszgTN3x5IIh_TUga1wvMHve091BTNVicmSSHcZT_N4ML9-lBtGD2X1afe6di0Gtho8FiWSYwoexynnLjbM8GHoh_6yCZ1DcS-3ZPF9pWBBoXZaob0NGuzUnWBRGy_CfLZpjU02qfuKoOSan-0la05K2Wj2gpH8rHy4H2mAH7S3171P58yzP0E6DjHo3Kd6dFnjm7tZD40Sq9cxSjubkyAA/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dzne.de%2Fen%2Fsites%2Fbonn%2Fresearch-groups%2Freuter.html
> Phone: +49 / 228 / 43302 - 381
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